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 rap is crap (15)

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burcorzin(167) pic

rap is crap

is rap bad i dont think so i love rap but i also love rock and jazz and more!

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4 points

It's really your own opinion on what music you like. No one can tell you to like a certain kind. But i personally love rap. But i'm also not like a baby boomer or anything. I'm growing up listening to rap so it's just what i do. But i totally respect the othergenres of music. No doubt.

3 points

Musical taste in my opinion should not be governed by genre. Prescribing to a single genre shows no knowledge of what music is about, it does show however a need in the individual to find somewhere to fit in, a niche to define them in the absence of belief in themselves and a lack of confidence in their personalities.

All musical genres have great music to offer, its up to the listener to actually admit they enjoy it no matter how they feel others might see it.

3 points

Ice Cube

Today was a good day

Warren G


Snoop Dogg

Gin and Juice

Mos Def

Umi Says

Miss Fat Booty

Bone Thugs n' Harmony



Boys 'n the Hood


Poet Laureate II


Ms Jackson


Country Grammar

Nappy Roots

Po' Folks

Lupe Fiasco


Talib Kweli

Get By

50 Cent

Ghetto Quran pt. 1

It's a beautiful thing.

2 points

Classical music is the best. After that, all that is even worth considering listening to is Sinatra and Cash.

It is crap and I hate it its all mostly about drugs,sex,killing (etc)

gospel rap well thats a whole different story =)

ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
3 points

Maybe you should go and actually listen to rap, Proper rap is not just about drugs, sex and killing. It is about street life and the struggles to get through it and enjoy life. Ever listen to De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, The Roots, Arrested Development, Common.

1 point

Yeah I know. To me gospel rap is the only "proper" rap there is and also why should should I go listen to your kind of rap that would be a complete waste of my time.

2 points

rap has no meaning except sex. thats all it talks about i mean really. now dont get me wrong i like some rap songs but others its just volguer

Mahollinder(900) Disputed
2 points

rap has no meaning except sex.

Please review the wonderful list I posted earlier. There is a wide range of stories told in the rap genre. If you find yourself constantly inundated with sex, then you shouldn't question the medium, you should question your myopic and shallow interest in it.

Here are some more.


Brenda's got a baby

Notorious B.I.G



Never seen a man cry

Geto Boyz

Mind playing tricks on me

The Pharcyde

Passin' me by

2 points

I agree I love listening to good times Rap as well as all other forms. The central stories can be insightful, I love Mr Wendall by Arrested Development as it highlights societies misconception of a Humans worth. If someone is finding too much sexual reference in the music they are listening to maybe they should search out other artists. Dismissing a genre on the grounds of the few tracks heard displays ignorance and an inability to think for oneself.

Rap is crap. NEWSFLASH. The facts show this is a true fact.

I love rap. Its really awesome to me :)

But then not everyone likes the same things so yeah, it might be crap to some people.

Side: Rap is awesome
1 point

We love rap.

Anyone who thinks its bad eats their own crap.

Side: Rap is awesome

Rap is a music genre that the older generation doesn't take the time to understand. The lyrics do tell it like it is.

Side: Rap is awesome