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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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 yes (2)
 no (3)

Debate Creator

fredo(16) pic

resurecting mamoths

Should we genetically resurect mamoths?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 3

And while they are at it..., they might as well resurrect a dadoth ;)

Side: yes
2 points

It would be a good use of money to create a new work machine, and a good thing fo resources not readily available

Side: yes

I don't think so. Those dinosaurs could turn out to be dangerous and escape.

Side: no
0 points

The mammoths had their chance, and blew it. Besides, the genetic codes would be the same as thousands of years ago, who knows what sort of environment they're used to. probably not one like ours.

Side: no
0 points

I don't support the resurrection of mammoths, but I do support the revivification of the species.

Side: no