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of course! no thanks
Debate Score:13
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 of course! (4)
 no thanks (5)

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should South and North korea be united?

What do you think???

of course!

Side Score: 7

no thanks

Side Score: 6
2 points

If they embraced South Korea's government and way of living.

Side: of course!
1 point

North Korea opens up new land, resource, and once united, stability resulting in less military spending.

Side: of course!
1 point

I'm a foreigner living in South Korea, and I see several movies being made that hints at the government wanting to reunify. Last year, South Korea released "The Frontline" which is about the Korean War and how both sides were torn from each other. The year before that, or in the same year, they came out with the film "As One" which was about a combined Korean ping-pong team in the Olympics. In reality, South Korea has: accepted an agreement to see North Korean relatives, accepted North Korean refugees, gave aid to North Korea, made a statue near the DMZ which welcomes reunification, and has not attacked North Korean military en masse. The North has also asked for reunification several times.

Economically, both countries have nothing to lose by unifying. Both countries subsistence farm. Both countries live with family or have family that will support them economically if crises does happen. The US has nothing to gain from a unified Korea other than an ally for foreign policies only and trade deals; the same can be said for China. In unifying the North would greatly increase their access to food. The citizens could now wear what they wanted to wear and have their hair styled in ways that suit them and not the government. They as of now continue to break the government approved style of dress and this could solve the problem. Also the capital could be rebuilt and infrastructure could come into the country, greatly increasing their communication with their loved ones. They could finally have an economy and the government would no longer have to ask for aid from anyone nor have to threaten to get it and thus put the world on edge. War is still a possible outcome and no one wants that, not the countries involved nor the outside countries surrounding it.

In the south, international companies would set up businesses more than before, because the war would be over rather than on a cease-fire. This would give the country the global stance it was looking for but never got as the Republic of Korea. They could get their satellite into space that they wanted, and would learn the English language or at least be passable with it due to the increase in foreign residents living in the country than before. The companies in power (Hyundai, Samsung, Lotte, Kia, etc) would have more people to market to and could better expand their businesses. The Korean royalty (descendants to the monarchy of Korea which was dethroned) might be acknowledged by western royalty rather than labeled "questionable".

All in all, uniting both countries would give each what they were looking to accomplish completed. The world would look at Korea, not like a mini "Soviet era" divided Germany, all humpty-dumpty in appearance and in strength, but as a strong country which is able to get policies passed that they want and the government they want. Also on a personal note, South Korean citizens do not like the American military stationed in Itaewon. So if they unified, the US military regime would have no need to stay there and could be relieved from duty and allowed to go home.

There is no better time to unify but now, with both heads of government being new. If you can see, Germany is the richest country in the EU and they were divided. If Korea were to reunify, they would be richer than before and rival Japan and even China's economies' for that matter. This could be the push needed to unionize all three countries like the EU and put to rest small arguments over islands since all islands would be considered "all of theirs". Also it wouldn't be such a hassle to go through visa processes, and solidifies the reason to keep learning Chinese/Korean/Japanese in their schools. The majority of the population is bilingual. This could also boost up or protect economies that are down, and helps businesses in those countries gain more importance globally.

So if Korea were to reunify this could greatly put this hemisphere in the right direction, not only politically but also socially and economically as well. If these Asian countries solidified as one solid front, the west could have a dangerous competitor.

Side: of course!
CalAm(7) Disputed
1 point

even if we take in North korean refugees, the north government has nothing to do with it(and they're the ones calling the shot, remember??). They're all over in china trying to catch the refugees that escaped, because the safe way to escape is to first go to china and then come to the south. If they try to take the shortcut across the river, the soldiers guarding the borders just shoot them down..

Side: no thanks

I would like to see both countries united but an evil dictator in North Korea will not make it possible.

Side: of course!
1 point

So some people might think I'm crazy because I am a korean. But I just don't like the fact of NOrth and South being united. Think about Germany. When they were separated, Western Germany was one of the most powerful and economically powerful countries. It was almost near USA. Look now. Western germany had to give a huge amount of money to eastern germany to get united, and they became less economically powerfull than before. South Korea is weaker than Western Germany. And North Korea is much more poor than Western Germany. The economic cost alone would be more than 3 times bigger than when Germany was united. I don't want my country, South Korea to be poorer than now. Also, South Korea is a democratic society, while North Korea is a communist country. Actually, North korea just says it's a communist, while KIm-Jung-Il, the all evil leader of North Korea takes all the power and money by himself. Trying to unite will bring the collapse of Kim-Jung-Il and his successor. He doesn't want that, and there's a high chance that he will attack, which is quite dangerous. Also, South Korea is a very important country to the U.S.A. Because South Korea is sided with U.S.A, at least South Korea has made this much success in economy. Uniting means no U.S, no improvement to Korea.

Side: no thanks
2 points

I agree. I was recently in Pusan, Gimpo and Incheon and South Korea is a economically stable nation. The chance of both Koreas uniting is highly unlikely. If war breaks out between you two neighbours (and god lets hope for the world economies sake it doesnt) that effectively denies the two being united. The war will create so much hatred between each other that for south korea to prop up north korea recovery if the south win and annex the north would be impossible. Asking SK citizens to help a nation that has just nuked a major city and killed thousands of civilians there is no chance. With the new leader about to take over when Kim dies, we could find out sooner than later.

Side: no thanks
1 point

of course not!! I'm a korean, and my dad works in the government.. even he thinks reunification is going to bring HUGE problems for south korea.

Most importantly, the reunification of korea will result in economical crisis. Some people think that in a long term solution, unification will be a benefit, and put Germany as an example. But that is so wrong. North Korea is much more poorer than East Germany was.. and a more serious problem is that it's ruled by a psychopath crazy murderer!!! Kim jung eun isn't listening to any of the big powerful countries right now, not even China or Russia(and especially not the US).

So South and North Korea should definitely not be united.

Side: no thanks
1 point

If South and North unite first there would be a big war such as WWI and WWII, Even though they unite south korea would pay most of the damage, food, etc.

Side: no thanks