
Debate Info

YES! its against human rights. NO! let them die.
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:19
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 YES! its against human rights. (5)
 NO! let them die. (6)

Debate Creator

randumthingz(60) pic

should the death sentence be made illegal?

YES! its against human rights.

Side Score: 7

NO! let them die.

Side Score: 9
2 points

I think people that killed others probably shouldn't have been brought into this world.

However, i don't think i could enforce lowering my standards to make myself like them.

Lock them up, keep them there for life; I'm not going to be responsible for the death of someone. I may want to beat them senseless, but I'm not going to be the reason they're dead.

Side: YES! its against human rights.
1 point

What about the inevitable situation when someone is executed for a crime it is later proven that they didn't commit?

Have you never heard of Blackstones formulation - "it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer"

Side: YES! its against human rights.

The Death Penalty is cruel and it should be abolished everywhere.

Side: YES! its against human rights.
2 points

if they commited a crime bad enough to be put on death row, then in my mind, they deserve to die. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life.

Side: NO! let them die.
2 points

While I agree somewhat with the general sentiment of your statement, I think we should be really careful about how the death sentence is handed down. I think that we should be as sure as humanly possible before terminating someone's life, regardless of how evil their actions may have been. Basically, I think it should be available, but we should be very careful about using it.

Side: NO! let them die.
kiera102 Disputed
1 point

If everyone thought an eye for an eye was truly the answer, the whole world would be blind, hypothetically speaking of course.

Side: YES! its against human rights.
1life2live(3) Disputed
1 point

well honestly i don't think no man has the right to take another mans life.. It is written to be a sin and a deadly one too. Its not that man should purposely intend to take another man life for what they did to you can't be as worse as what your about to do to them. so yes it should be illegal because two wrongs really don't make it right and it's not going to make up for your loss or your pain... nothing ever really does.. With all do respect..

Side: YES! its against human rights.
1 point

As mentioned in the debate link below, until we can cure homicidal, antisocial, rapists and murderers, all we can do is protect society by removing these individuals.

Supporting Evidence: Do You Agree With Capital Punishment debate (
Side: NO! let them die.
1 point

eye for an eye is for religious people.

i say, Fuck it, don't need that shit in my society.

Kill Murders and repeat child rapists... Really, how is keeping these bastards alive a benefit to our society?? and if they escape and do more? or how about the fact that they can kill and rape in prison (which they do). fuck it, just kill the bastages.

Side: NO! let them die.

that eye for an eye thing was just being used as an expression. what i ment was that if they killed somebody, they should be killed.

Side: NO! let them die.
1 point

They should be more liberal with who they kill. Stop the life sentences.. you might aswell kill them. Or make a game where you control them and they have to kill each other.

Side: NO! let them die.