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there are just in there action they are to violent
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 there are just in there action (1)
 they are to violent (5)

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truthteller(64) pic

violence from police officers

there are just in there action

Side Score: 1

they are to violent

Side Score: 5
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1 point

Most of the police officers I met are very dangerous I've seen them beat people for them speaking out against them a friend was attacked by a police dog while he was sleeping they had his wife and kids outside in hand cuffs and they laughed when he was screaming from being bitten he was never charged for anything he had a good case against the police but no lawyer would go against the police in the county

Side: they are to violent
1 point

Police do injustice and violence all the time. They do a whole lot of kidnapping, theft, and assault. It may be that they do more violating of rights than protecting of them. As a group, it seems to me they are more busy committing violence than most if not all others.

Side: they are to violent
truthteller(64) Disputed Banned
1 point

They use the publics fear of crime to justify there actions at least in court

Side: there are just in there action
1 point

When I was young I was playing basketball in the ally with some friends. Then we see this kid running down the ally and then a cop car coming up behind him. COP stops him has him behind the car. We can't see what is going on but we hear the cop asking were is the gun, with the guy screaming. The guy said he didn't know and the other guys had it. The cop saying I know you had it. The guy kept screaming and yelling.

When I was young I got caught at a retail store for stealing and when I was out in the parking lot the police officer said he was going to check my pockets and see if I had any syringes/needles in my pockets he would beat me up and there would be blood on the ground. Of course I didn't so. He also said he has done this before and found syringes and he doesn't want to get poked with HIV I guess.


Side: they are to violent
1 point

What can you expect. A bunch of oafs in uniforms given too much power. A civilian kills a man, 10 years. A police officer kills a man, a warning. Unjust.

Side: they are to violent

What has recently happened in Ferguson and in Baltimore are testimonials that police violence is a big problem in America.

Side: they are to violent