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 western civilization should share with the less fortunate or not? (18)

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simplemind(44) pic

western civilization should share with the less fortunate or not?

well westerners get everything they want people are dieing of starvation. should we be sharing more if we have the ability to stop it? if we have the power to help someone arnt we obligated to do so?

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You should but you are not obligated. I read an article about this. It was a rebuttap against an arguement like this titled moralol obligations to distant others by Colbert. It takes away your true freedom so you arent obligated.

simplemind(44) Disputed
1 point

takes away your true freedom hey? what about me living in a 3rd world country and not being able to come to canada to share in the glory of resources. thats unfair. you have no more right to the resources in the world than anyone else in this world does.

1 point

Yes. Thats why we "should" help but obligating people to pay up is not right. Why is it a man responsibility to care for a distant stranger if he is unaware of this strangers existence? You are right I have no more right to resources than you. In fact I am not entitled to them. They are however in front of me in my possession and recognized as my own. I believe in helping but forcing people to pay is a heavy burden. If we do not know someone in this situation and simply cannot communicate with them what do we do if we are unaware of their existence? If we communicate and you ask for help people will do so. This way you have shown existence and we can help if we want to(which morally is something we should all do).

1 point

Yes; but.

While there might be a moral obligation to share with the less fortunate; I'm inclined to question the wisdom of "conditional sharing". As it stand, there are conditions on things like foreign aid. You can have this food to feed your people; but first you have to change your policies so that they're more beneficial to me. That seems to be a system that has historically backfired all too often.

simplemind(44) Disputed
1 point

we have no more rights to the bountiful resources our big nations give us than anyone else in the world. other countreys with a fraction of the land and harsh agriculture are just screwed and we just dont care cause were thriving

simplemind(44) Disputed
1 point

Your stuck in the notion you have more rights to the food in your land than they do. Its not yours its everyones. The world is for everyone

1 point

Well, I know other people think differently, but seeing as how everyone on here is forever using human rights as a form of argument, I think yes we should be obliged to help.

1 point

the boarder between two country's should not mean you have more rights to land you posses, people on earth need to share with the less fortunate. the world is money driven and bigger nations are way more developed also have an unfair advantage over number of resources provided. we have so much food well other countrys are dieing. we have the ability to help. it is our obligation to.

If you want the resources of another country and they won't share with you, then do what the rest of us did. Fight for it and take it.

If you want to share in the benefits another country provides it's citizens, migrate there; legally or illegally.

Telling the world that they should share does not work ;)

simplemind(44) Disputed
1 point

fair enough. but do you find it wrong at all we close off our boarders and claim such a huge patch of land like canada or the u.s and say none but us can have anything inside our boarders? we have no much and leave little for others. were all equal and should all benefit from what the earth has to offer

In order to do what you suggest, we would have to get rid of government. People have a tendency to group together and this is the basis of government. The reason this happens is because there is strength in numbers. If people were to loath being dependent on another human being, then your idea could work.

Right or wrong has to place in this argument. It's like saying, "It's not fair." Well..., so what? Life is not fair and I don't see it changing any time soon ;)

It is a benevolent nation that offers to help the poor. Nations that have surpluses should help those nations that need aid.