
Debate Info

cat dog
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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 cat (5)
 dog (6)

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Jinvin(118) pic

which is the most aggresive pet?


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 8
3 points

Dogs can be trained and disciplined.They are only as destructive as you want them to be.

A cat on the other hand is dominated by instinct. While they are generally heavy sleepers, their true nature shows once they found something that they deem as prey. And no can stop their aggressive and ferocious side.

Side: cat
2 points

Dogs can get trained to not be aggressive, there are no bad dogs just bad owners the only reason they're deemed as more aggressive is because they do more damage if they do attack. I've heard of more cats scratching/lashing out at people than I have heard of dogs.

Side: cat
0 points


Side: cat

Dogs can get more aggressive than cats can. Try comparing a Persian to a pit bull.

Side: dog
2 points

Yeah, you don't hear about guard cats on the premises.

Side: dog

Or of cats killing people.

Side: dog
1 point

bigger poo bigger problem :D

Side: dog
1 point

Beware cat? I've never seen one of those.

Side: dog
Vermink(1942) Disputed
2 points

Because cats can't do as much damage to you as dogs can doesn't mean they're more aggressive.

Side: cat
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

This is hardly a dispute, this just a statement of opposition to my point.

I read your argument for why dogs are more aggressive, and what this sounds to me like is the biased myopic views of a dog lover. Don't get me wrong, i loved my pet dog, but i knew that that was still an aggressive animal, far more aggressive than my cat.

Your main argument, or rather the main argument stating cats are more dangerous is that dogs can be trained. I take it you didn't know you can train cats as well? The reason I didn't open with the potential to train a cat to be less aggressive, is because that's a circumstantial event. The in the event that you train your dog, it will be less aggressive, but as it stands alone it definitely has more potential to be aggressive.

Did you also know that trained dogs can be more aggressive than untrained dogs? A trained dog can pick up on the emotions of it's master better than an untrained one, and as a result can take the most subtle cue from it's master's anger as a cue to attack. This is so rarely the case with cats, that I doubt you'll find any source of such an event.

I'd also like to state that an untrained cat, and an untrained dog, as I was arguing from initially will start one of two ways. The cat will stay to itself, and when faced with you it will become aggressive or flee. A dog on the other hand will start off very aggressive and will more rarely than the cat, attempt to flee.

Side: cat