
Debate Info

white people black people
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 white people (5)
 black people (1)

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gag1192(6) pic

who is responsible for most of the crime in amerca

white people

Side Score: 7

black people

Side Score: 1
3 points

Well since we are the majority at least here in america, and black people were our slaves, I think the issue with their apparently being a lot of crime with black people (if that is really true, as I have no data to back this up but hypothetically), I would say that the white man (like myself) has had a part to play in that considering we've stalled their progress up as a group of people detrimentally.

Side: white people
1 point

Government-wise: White peeps.

Side: white people

I'm going to side with white people, because our own government is responsible for most of the crime in america, and our government is predominately white.

The government is responsible for most of the crime for many reasons. The foremost of these are bad laws that criminalize activities that in and of themselves don't hurt anyone other than (potentially) the "criminal" himself or herself. In 2011, More than 50% of inmates in federal prison were convicted of drug charges- in other words, they were labelled criminals for being in possession of, using, or selling something that the government says it is not ok to use, possess, or sell. It's true that drugs can be harmful, but consider that the most popular drug, with the most convictions, is nearly harmless! Regardless of whether they harm the user, it would seem to me that that should be up to individual choice, and an entire culture of related violent crime has sprung up around the drug industry specifically because it is illegal.

Side: white people
1 point

They wouldn't be crimes without laws, BOOM! What do you think of that one? Ah yeeeah, what up! That's called thinking outside of the box, am I right? Am I? Yup, I am... but in all seriousness... most black people are criminals.

Side: white people
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Just kidding... or am I? I don't know the statistics. I might actually be right...

Side: white people

Criminals are .

Side: white people
1 point

Day to day basic crimes? Black guys are the worst.

Side: black people