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raptor22(106) pic

who will you vote for?

With the 2012 election just around the corner, and the Republican nominee yet to be found, It will be good to see who people support with the current political cast.

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3 points

I used to be a die-hard conservative. My, how things have changed!

If a Republican gets elected, I can kiss my civil rights goodbye for four more years. At least under Obama, my rights as a homosexual man are increasing with time and I don't have to fear, on a national level, of any of them being taken away. Whereas, when a gay soldier sent a video to the Republican debate, the audience booed him and each candidate said nothing. The most important thing to me right now is to gain the rights I deserve as a human being and American citizen.

Side: Obama

I am neither gay nor American, but I find the oppression of homosexuals deplorable. "Straight" people might not want to live a life of homosexuality and they might even disapprove of such a lifestyle, but it doesn't mean that they ought to suppress the rights of homosexuals.

Side: Obama
2 points

Words I live by and tell others when applicable:

"You don't like gay marriage? Then don't get gay married!"

Side: Obama
Apollo(1590) Disputed
1 point

But Jesus said....


Side: Vermin Supreme
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

As I've stated, if gay marriage is an issue, Obama is NOT the right choice.

Ron Paul supports individual rights and eliminating marriage as a government institution.

How much he would do is another issue (considering that libertarian legislation is not supported by mainstream house and senate members). However, Obama is vocally against allowing gay marriage.

Side: Ron Paul
Liber(1712) Disputed
1 point

At least under Obama, my rights as a homosexual man are increasing with time and I don't have to fear, on a national level, of any of them being taken away.

Wouldn't Ron Paul be a better choice? Whilst Obama is wishy-washy on the issue, Ron Paul says that the government has no business in marriage and that he is supportive of any voluntary association.

Side: Ron Paul
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

The only candidate who would allow gay marriage is Ron Paul, mainly because he would eliminate marriage as a government institution, leaving it completely up to the choice of citizens.

Obama, on the other hand, still supports marriage as between a man and a woman and has enacted no legislation to help the gays...

So if gay marriage and civil rights is your main issue, Obama is NOT the way to go. Ron Paul is.

Side: Ron Paul
1 point

To be honest, all the Republican candidates scare the shit out of me. Since they are campaigning on these extremist ideologies, I can't support their platforms, even if logically I know they would end up being more moderate (hopefully). So to prevent my vote from being wasted on the third party (since with our current system it is next to impossible for a third party candidate to be elected), I can either not vote or vote Obama. I really wish the Democrats had run another candidate against Obama. That would have at least made him compete for the nomination, and made him grow a backbone.

Side: Obama
1 point

I have to say that it will be any republican...and while I am not sure I like any of them, I know I like them better than Obama! Sorry Obama....!

Side: Republican
1 point

Don't like the person, like the ideology. If you want out of the wars, out of this atmosphere of distrust and surveillance, Ron Paul is the way to go.

Side: Republican
1 point

When I said "like" I meant what Obama embodies...his policies, actions, etc.

Side: Republican
raptor22(106) Disputed
1 point

if your reason for not supporting Obama is because of the "bad economy" then i wish for you to know what he has really done. When he inherited the economy, over 700,000 jobs were being lost, now the economy is gaining 132,000 jobs a month, with over 200,000 in December. He saved the American auto industry, which Republicans would without question just let it fail, this decision alone saved 160,000 jobs. Now G.M. is back on top, and Chrysler had a 30% or so sales increase, and now is expected to save fiat, also helping the worldwide economy (sort of not really). This year the economy is projected to grow 3%, which is fantastic and is clearly showing he is not wrong on these issues. Now make sure you remember that he did this with a congress that had the lowest approval rating of all time, and only clear objective to make him fail. With people that are open to compromise and willing to help the country, not their party, i be leave Obama is going to finish with the success of the Clinton administration (minus the marital and family problems).

Side: Republican

It is now 2015 but I am happy to say that I voted for Obama along with the majority of voters.

Side: Republican