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Chinaman's Reward Points: 3570

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Understand EX Pussy i am coming after you
5 Created Debate Understand EX Pussy i am coming after you
2 Added Argument Has anyone one seen the EX - AFRICAN AMERICAN know as excon
5 Created Debate Has anyone one seen the EX - AFRICAN AMERICAN know as excon
3 Added Argument Obama BRO Tommy Vietor
4 Created Debate Obama BRO Tommy Vietor
4 Added Argument Idiot Leftist show how stupid they are
5 Created Debate Idiot Leftist show how stupid they are
1 Added Argument Conservative must be Christian?
-1 Downvoted Argument Conservative must be Christian?
1 Added Argument Ladies and gentlecunts
2 Added Argument Douche Bag Lefist what happened to Nanny LMAO
5 Created Debate Douche Bag Lefist what happened to Nanny LMAO
-1 Downvoted Argument What are you Pussy Leftist scared about today ?
-1 Downvoted Argument What are you Pussy Leftist scared about today ?
-1 Downvoted Argument What are you Pussy Leftist scared about today ?
-1 Downvoted Argument What are you Pussy Leftist scared about today ?
8 Added Argument What are you Pussy Leftist scared about today ?
5 Created Debate What are you Pussy Leftist scared about today ?
2 Added Argument What's up you Idiot Progressives ?
5 Created Debate What's up you Idiot Progressives ?
1 Added Argument Lockdown Boon or Bane
1 Added Argument Humans need to get off this planet before humans become extinct on this planet
1 Added Argument BurritoLunch is a donkey leftist, who hates free speech.

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