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gcomeau's Reward Points: 536

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Would you rather be known by Millions of people or have 1 Million dollars?
1 Added Argument What do you think of Lawyers?
1 Added Argument Which is better?
1 Added Argument The dumbing down of american tv and culture in general
1 Added Argument Would the world be better or worse if we had proof of God's existence?
4 Added Argument Would the soul (granting its existence) be an incorporeal clone of an individual
3 Added Argument Information Technology Saving the US Health Care System
1 Added Argument The God Debate: Does he exist?
0 Downvoted Argument Will President Obama's plan of tax hikes on the rich eliminate the debt and defi
0 Added Argument Will President Obama's plan of tax hikes on the rich eliminate the debt and defi
1 High Rated Argument Atheists, like Hitler, should be separated from the rest of the human race
9 High Rated Argument Obama
1 Added Argument Why blame Bush for extreme spending when Obama breaks record with 1.47T?
1 Added Argument It is not enitrely impossible that evolution was guided; by what means is contro
1 Added Argument Can science and religion co-exist?
1 Added Argument The 'Overpopulation Crisis' is highly overrated.
0 Added Argument should we build a road to space? Its only 62 miles
1 Added Argument Is there proof that there is no God?
5 Added Argument Is the future going to be the United Socialist States of America?
1 Added Argument Why does aveskde down vote thewayitis arguments?
-1 Downvoted Argument What would you do if God is proven to be real?
1 Added Argument What would you do if God is proven to be real?
1 Added Argument Are Agnostics making fun of Creatonists and Atheists?
1 Added Argument Should America have a flat tax like Russia?

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