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RSS 13rgibso

Reward Points:10
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1 point

IGs are formed based on the interests of the people who have a particular opinion for a topic. One group would not dominate because there are hundreds, even thousands, of interest groups that focus on different topics. With so many variations and each person belonging to different groups, it would be difficult, near impossible, for one interest group to dominate all the others. In addition, the government has the final say about creating laws. There will never be a IG that forms that does not have another group opposing. Newton said a law in physics that is applicable here: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” For example, an interest group will form that is pro-stricter gun laws and another group will form that is anti-stricter gun laws. The overpowering of one interest group should not be feared. ~Ruby G

1 point

First of all, the railroad, standard oil, and steel were companies usually run by a few millionaires. These were the leaders of the companies such as John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie. Interest groups are formed by masses of people that share interests. Millionaires would not join an interest group for their company; they would not have the power of numbers to make an interest group successful. These companies in history did not have a major impact on swaying the policies of the government. They had an enormous impact on the manufacturing industries and economy of America. ~Ruby

1 point

In the past, interest groups have proven effective and influential. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) fought against racial segregation and unjust laws. This interest group fought in behalf of the people eventually received their freedom from segregation. Organizing the interests of the people in groups allows for the underrepresented people of society have a voice while managing the rule of the majority. Members of a group receive benefits including the advancements in their causes and interest such as protection rights, voting rights, and working rights. Uniting and becoming organized allows for the individual more impact and direct involvement in the government. ~Ruby G

1 point

Pluralism is the idea that democratic politics consists of conflicting groups of individuals that balance each other out for the common good. Interest groups are an integral part of democracy. They allow for people to express their particular opinion on a specific issue. Unlike political parties, they do not attempt to sway the public on every issue nor appease the public for election, but their scope is refined to a particular concern. They ensure the government does not abuse their power. Essentially, they are another way for checks and balances.


1 point

The monster formed a one-way relationship with the De Laceys. When the time came to express his affections and love for them, the wretch was struck “violently with a stick” (97). The relationship that he harbored was shattered. Frankenstein created the monster’s ugly visage, and therefore caused the monster to live in solitude and grief. Frankenstein had the opportunity to form relationships and feel love early in life. As the enemy of mankind, the monster experienced arcane solitude and had no opportunity to express the virtuous thoughts that initially inhabited his heart.

1 point

The monster experienced only pain and grief throughout his existence. He sought after “the love of virtue” (164) and longed to feel “happiness and affection” (164), but he only experienced the “bitter and loathing despair” (164). The monster had no one to empathize with; even his creator deserted him in the peril hour of his growth. Frankenstein had forsaken the monster to fend against the “human kind” (165). He received “abhorrence and opprobrium” (165) from man based on his physical appearance. Had Frankenstein harbored the good intentions of the monster’s heart and treated him with “love and fellowship” then the novel would end as a fairy tale not a tragedy (165). The monster would have no reason to cause destruction to his master’s life. Frankenstein spurned his creation and caused his own misfortunes due to his neglect towards the monster. The monster merely sought for justice after Frankenstein destroyed his second creation and the realization that the only companion the monster will ever have is solitude. Even though Frankenstein’s life was shattered and left abandon, he experienced something the monster will never feel: love.

1 point

I agree. Later after Victor destroyed the second monster he started to create, the monster’s anger becomes more inflamed. The monster has a patronizing tone as he calls Victor his “slave” (122) and claims that he is the “master” (122) of Victor. This foreshadows the destruction and grief the monster will cause in Victor. Figuratively the monster does have power over Victor’s live, because he has the power to take away the lives of his family and friends. Victor’s actions dictated whether or not the monster utilized his strength.

1 point

The creator, Victor, also has a derisive tone towards the monster. He states, “Devil, cease; and do not poison the air with these sounds of malice” (123). Victor scorns the fact that he created a “villain” (123) even capable of causing much damage to those around him. Victor cannot sympathize the monster and can only sees the crimes that the monster has created.

1 point

The monster has a disdainful tone towards Victor as he states, “Cursed, cursed creator! Why did I live?” (97). The monster blames his creator for his accursed state, and the rejection from the De Lacey family sparked his hatred towards his creator leading him to destroy Victors family and happiness. This marks the change from the innocent and kind intentions of the monster to the evil and corrosive thoughts. The scornful tone the monster has towards Victor causes the conflict prevalent throughout the remainder of the novel.

1 point

The monster was confined to his solitude because his grotesque appearance. He is deprived of the opportunity “to discover the motives and feelings” (87) of men. The monster wants to experience the joy and smiles of the De Lacey family. The monster’s frustration causes of Victor’s grief. Indirectly, Victor created his own torment through the monster.

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