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RSS 2shenanigans

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

Let's break this down:

Pedophilia: Having sexual relationships with children/minors.

Rape: One person sexually violates another.

Incest: Having sexual relationships with family members.

Murder: One person kills (or severely tortures/ mutilates) another person.

What do the above have in common? They all involve someone getting hurt. Children don't know what they're doing when pedophiles take advantage of them. Usually, it involves rape. And rape is obvious, as is murder, in terms of how it can negatively affect a person. As for incest, it is typically one family member raping another, but not always. Even then, however, any children born of that relationship are at a high risk of developing diseases.

Bisexuality does not make the list because bi/gay couples don't go around murdering people, raping them, or harming them any more than straight people do. If you want a video on how great gay couples can be (and they can be bad like straight couples, too), just watch this video (the entire thing).

1 point

I agree with debateluver. Why is it that Christians are so focused on this one particular "sin" when they themselves are committing a bunch of sins every day? No eating shellfish, no torn clothing, no tattoos, and so many more! Even if those aren't true, there are still so many religious people being cruel to one another, so why can't we focus on and fix that?

1 point

Of course I do! It doesn't affect me whether or not someone marries a woman or man. The only time it would be a problem would be if only one person wanted to be in the relationship. As long as it is mutual and both parties are old enough to make their own decisions, then I see homosexual relationships as no different from heterosexual ones.

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