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RSS 3E2Joy

Reward Points:1
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1 point

I agree that schools do kill creativity.

Schools all have a standard curriculum and syllabus that teachers and students have to follow for the sake of the main goal being; scoring well for a major exam.

Creativity is defined as the production of using original and unusual ideas. I think that schools do teach us new things through various subjects, but it limits our creativity in a certain way, making us too used to not thinking out of the box.

For example, this can be seen through subjects such as the humanities; although it teaches us about history and the past mistakes people have made, or places around the world and how landforms are formed, memory work plays a huge role in such subjects and students have to spend a huge amount of time cramming all the facts into their heads for the essays and exams they are being put through and thus, they are not given the time to think about their own opinion on the issue itself. Students are so focused on getting excellent grades that they do not even bother to create or think about their own feelings on the whole issue.

Besides the humanities, subjects such as mathematics and sciences are very 'fixed'. They each have their own set of formulas that one has to adhere to in order to solve a question or a sum correctly. If students try to think of different ways to solve the question, it won't be accepted or it will be marked wrongly. Therefore, the students' creativity is limited as they lose confidence in giving their own opinion on something, for the fear of it being rejected or marked incorrectly.

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