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RSS 3E2WaiKit

Reward Points:2
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1 point


However, during composition writing, students are given a specific topic to write about, which definitely reduces the chances of them making full use of their creative ideas.

Students are only able to make use of half of their creativity, which means that schools play a part in killing creativity.

1 point

I agree that schools kill creativity.

Creativity is the use of the imagination. However, we do not get enough time and opportunities in school to make use of our imagination.

In schools, students are not given the chance to explore into the depth of creativity within them. Often, it is restrained due to the constant fear of humiliation and embarrassment if they make a point that seems silly to the rest. This damages the creativity of the children and he or she will refrain from speaking up in the future. If he or she does not speak up, his imagination will not be utilized to the maximum ability. Thus, schools are places where students refrain from letting their imagination run wild, which in turn leads to them being less creative.

We often see in schools students who look dull, and sometimes, bored as they rarely speak up. This affects their learning capabilities and also their speaking abilities.

Hence, I believe that schools kills creativity. I do hope that students will start learning to speak up in class and share with their classmates their creative ideas.

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