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RSS 42021045

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

This was an interesting comment, however many problems arise that were not confronted. For instance people are social by nature and form groups in order to survive. If this is true then wouldn't another lesser form of government arise. War as sad is it is to say happens, and people are dragged into to, but that is because people start it. The government is formed by people. People can be corrupt, money greedy creatures, and that will never change. Removing government wont eliminate this problem, it will only amplify it.

1 point

Government does many things from picking up our trash to responding to emergencies. However it does more than this, it lays the foundation for people to succeed and society to flourish. Without them people would find themselves lost, and chaos would soon ensue. People are organized by nature, they need each other, and they rely on one another. Government only facilitates this by creating more structure and more defined procedures to follow. Government employs over fifteen percent of America's work force, on the state, federal, or local level. It's hard to not know someone who is employed by the government these days. These jobs though are more than just ordinary jobs, because they fuel the economy, and the services they complete are for the people. Small things like potholes seem small because they can be easily dealt with, but when too many of these small things add up things begin to go awry. Government stops this in more ways than one and the gratitude people show should be more than what we see now

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