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RSS 52021023

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with your argument. The government provides us with services that benefit our daily lives. If people believe that the government is too strict, we should speak up and change the laws in the democracy since we live in a republic. Without guidelines, people would fight over power and the society wouldn't be equal. And our rights wouldn't be protected. The government definitely protects us and helps to maintain a healthy environment.

1 point

The government exists to provide essential services. Right now, for example, the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center are following Hurricane Florence. Who would fund and launch the satellites that make weather forecasting possible if not for government? And who would have the plans for evacuating? As millions of people evacuate, police, fire and emergency people are ready to make sure the evacuation is quick and safe. The Government helps this effort. State and local governments maintain the roads that the evacuation will use. Along with that, if there was no Government, how would we have access to clean water and who would make sure our food was safe?

Many people don't like taxes, but taxes fund all the things that keep us safe.

Also, if there was no government, people would be fighting over power, making up their own rules and there would be no order of society. With a government, there is order. There are procedures for settling arguments. Also, with a government, there is education so people have a set plan in their life, school, and work. Without this, everything would be a mess.

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