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RSS 62021113

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with your statements in regard to believing that a government in necessary to keep order and stability. Without a government things would get chaotic, when there is nobody to help prevent the United States from going absolutely crazy. I agree that laws are needed to help keep people in line, even though the rules are broken quite often. If the process of owning homes and land did not exist people would possibly fight to the death for the shelter. The government does help keep everybody's rights and help protect the country.

1 point

In my opinion I believe that the United States is better off with a government. I believe this because without government it would be an anarchy which would lead to chaos. Also, people would not be educated which cause advancements to never be made. This is because the government would not require kids and teenagers to go to school. Time would not have moved on, we may have still been in the same place as we were in the 1800's. Next, without a government people would do whatever they want this may seem like a intriguing, but it could possibly could lead to total destruction. People would also never do anything they wouldn't have to go to school and they wouldn't have to get a job. Lastly, because a government would not exist things that would need to be taken care of wouldn't be. Towns would be smelly, disease baring, and littered as a result of basic needs to being taken into account. The United States in total would be chaotic and non-productive if we did not live under a government.

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