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RSS AdaSyafiq

Reward Points:7
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

During June–July 1962, Indian military planners began advocating "probing actions" against the Chinese, and accordingly, moved mountain troops forward to cut off Chinese supply lines. India's motives were even worse:

1.Test Chinese resolve and intentions regarding India.

2.Test whether India would enjoy Soviet backing in the event of a Sino-Indian war.

3.Create sympathy for India within the U.S., with whom relations had deteriorated after the Indian annexation of Goa.

This tells us that India was aggressive towards China and caused tensions between the two countries.

1 point

The dispute between China and India had India over-reacting when China built a road through Aksai Chin which was seen by the Indians as China claiming Aksai Chin for themselves when in fact, the Chinese built said road so that the Chinese could easily travel through the area and that India could have also done the same thing if they had not made the assumption that the building of the road was China claiming Aksai Chin for themselves.

3 points

But the riots would not have even been 'triggered' if the video was not put up in the first place. And this video is made possible through the use of media,thus showing us that the media would more likely impact us negatively.

5 points

The social media has made us Less Social as it has totally removed any moral values that our elders have taught us. The social media enables people to insult and hurt other people as they think that the media can easily protect them through the use of avatars and nicknames. This causes people to stay online as they feel safer and because of that, they begin to have malicious intentions. This will cause more people to fight which would cause even less people to communicate with one another,thus making us anti-social. An example would be the Anti-Islam movie/video which has caused riots in many of the major Islamic countries. This tells us that the media will only impact us negatively as more people would rather talk over the internet rather then meet in real life. Plus, more acts of violence can happen as the media would enable these people to do malicious acts.

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