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RSS Aidana

Reward Points:5
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Of course not. It's nessary for every children to have a full family. A divorse causes too much problems for children...

I think there is no happy childhood when your parents are divorced. So I think the parents should stay with each other no matter what if they already have children. Because you should take the responsibility for your children and think of their future. It is selfish when the parents just divorce and think it can be useful in any way. They should have thought about it before marrying each other.

1 point

I do not believe in friendship between man and woman. Friendship between man and woman is different from the friendship between the same sexes. It's okay when you are young. You are just communicating with different people so you can have boy/girl friends. Anyway, it's not a very close frienship, because if it's close than one of them has feelings and the friendship started because someone was seeing another as a potential boyfriend/girlfriend. But what about the friendship between married man and woman? I think it won't last. Both will have their own lifes and their partners will not appreciate this friendship.

1 point

My point of view is that alcohol and drug rehabs work, but I think it depends on several things. First is the treatment used for the rehabilitation. Every person needs an individual treatment, because according to the researches the success of the treatment depends on the man's age, whether he/she is educated or not, married/unmarried and so on. The second is the treatment itself. There are different kinds of treatments for drug or alcohol addicts: church-based centers and medicine based centers. I think there is no need to use medicines if not really nessessary. I trust church-based centers more. Also it depends on the time the person was taking drugs or drinking alcohol. And the third is the period of the treatment itself. It can be from 1 month up to several years. I think if a rehab center carefully chooses you an individual program for a long period of time, at least 6 month (not just one month), if there are good counselors who are always ready to listen to you, if you have the support of your family it works.

1 point

I have to say that Buddhism is not really a religion, it's a philosophy. Atheists do reject the existence of gods, spirits, ghosts - anything related to supernatural power. Buddhists do not reject anything. It is told to be that when Buddha's followers asked him if God exists,he said nothing. It means he didn't say that God exists, but he didn't reject his existence. They also believe that every human can become enlighted as Buddha, so he becomes a God of his own world.

1 point

Isn't atheism just a view when you do not believe in any God, whether it is Buddha or not?Buddhists believe in supernatural beings, as you say, they believe in energy in human's body. They concentrate on themselfes, and I khow there are some Buddhists who do not even talk about God. They just have another view on it. They believe in Buddha. But it's not about atheism, when you totally do not believe in anything,except that God doesn't exist. Anyway, I would not call it a religion of atheists,because in the end they all find the God through meditations and this kind of stuff.

1 point

I do agree that there is no such thing as an atheistic religion,because religion is when you have some cultural beliefs, you have your own world-view, you give a meaning to life,to every single action. You also give a meaning to the origin of life and you believe in the existence of God, you believe that the universe was not created by itself. But atheism is the opposite of religion. Of course, atheists have their own world-view, but it's totally different. It's not about God, not about believing in this power. Atheists do not believe at all. So in my opinion, it shouldn't be called a religion. I was shocked to know that atheists go to the church for non-believers and talk about that God is a fake. It's not a religion, it's just a propaganda of atheism. And it's really becoming popular.

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