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RSS ArrogantAmb

Reward Points:15
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Russia still has the grave lack of contract law!! A prosperous Russia means a prosperous Putin, how can we expect these sort of things from a country that rules under an authoritarian? This also ignores that there are other countries have strong ties with Russia and these countries like China would receive the benefit, not the the enemies like the US.

1 point

Historically, Russia and the US have been on different sides of the fence on many issues and conflicts. In the Balkans and in Iraq among others, we've disagreed and its costed American lives. With an authoritarian at the head of their government in what sense can we trust them? Their elections aren't fair, their media isn't fair, how do we know their support will be fair? It won't.

1 point

Along with our foreign gains diminishing when we meddle in Russian affairs, our domestic issues are also in need of attention. The Balkan conflict costs resources and even lives in our peace cores. These sorts of resources can be used for domestic issues such as global warming and poverty, sorts of things that can help the world in different ways. Further intervention of Russian affairs would lead to even more U.S costs that could be better spend on our debt or other issues. Lets stay out of it.

1 point

Ever since the souring of US-Russian relations due to various issues, Russia has painted us violent and corrupt in their propaganda. These tensions started in the Balkan region that is prone to conflict and a former part of the USSR. It also serves as a deep point of pride for the Russian leadership. At the point we are at, the conflict in the Balkans is increasingly unimportant to the security of NATO and the countries under it. The countries that are part of it are there to stay and our safety is secure, what does it serve to propagate the Russian idea that we are violent and dangerous? Moreover, what if Russia were in to influence our nearby neighbors and allies? Russia in Canada or Mexico? Our response would more than likely be just as aggravated as the Russian reaction to us. This, along with various other points, is why we need to stay out of Russian affairs, the situation is no longer benefiting us.

1 point

This glosses over lots of stipulations and issues. No one man rules alone, this the basis of a modern government and the title of commander in chief is no different. The President does have the power to solely send troops to only to a certain extent. Yes, he has the power to influence the paramilitaries, however many decisions are trusted to other people. In terms of the legislative's power in this, they also have the power to retract the president's troops in the War Powers Act, giving the legal right to overrule the "Commander in Chief" and flex the muscle of the legislative.

1 point

While the Executive Privilege enumerated in the Constitution is an undeniable strength of the executive branch, it is not without its various holes. It can be worked around and has been worked around. During the Nixon controversy, privileged was called for by Nixon time and time again, however the legislative advocated for the judiciary to allow for his transparency, this being an informal of the legislative. In any case, transparency is good for a democracy; the people knowing about how their government is ran is not a bad thing. And in some cases, its even a bad thing to keep things secret, these scandals can internally hurt the government and even the basis of democracy!

1 point

It is in the name, a "Veto Override" by definition displays the power of the Legislative Branch. Regardless of polarization or divided government, the enumerated ability to ignore a veto was made by the creators of the Constitution to limit the powers of a tyranny or overbearing executive. An concerning the 11 percent example, this is still a very large amount! The power is not used more because a tyrannical dictator is NOT THE NORM. Imagine a game of sports were just because of the rules 11 percent of the time, the loser was crowned the winner! A Veto is an important ability, but the power to reverse one is even more so. The Voice of the people here still hold sway.

1 point

One of the distinct features of a nation, country, and world power is War. Enumerated in the constitution is Congress ability to declare war. In the case that the legislative branch does declare war, it brings with it heavy implications. A proper declaration brings about it many monetary grants and funds seen in previous conflicts, such as the War on Terror, where congress empowered the President with their funding to do what needed to be done. This constitutional power is an enormous one and is what dictates entire global affairs as well as domestic ones. The weight of the US military is not present without the explicit permission of the elected body that is the Legislative Branch. Lastly, this will always be constitutionally supported.

1 point

An inherent power of the Legislative branch is its constitutional power of impeachment over any government official. The power has even been seen to be used to great effect, seen in the Nixon administration, wherein televised oversight of the impeachment process killed his approval and strong armed him to resign. Nothing is stopping a similar case for any executive branch member. Moreover the qualifications for impeachment are left vague with lines such as "High Crimes & Misdemeanors" for the stretching of legislative power. The executive is put at ultimate check here.

1 point

An undeniable and enumerated power of the Legislative branch is the Power of the Purse. In broad terms, the power extends from passing taxation legislation to passing bills concerning the budgeting of agencies. Directly impacting the Executive Branch. This budgeting power is specifically important to the impact on the Executive, the ability to effectively turn off funding can kill agencies. Moreover it is constitutionally supported and will always hold up in courts.

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