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RSS Avenged7x

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1 point

Suicide is never selfish. Although I used to think that suicide was a selfish act, that all changed when I went through months of severe depression. People think that depression is caused by losing a job or relationship but that is definately not depression. Yes that will bring people down and make them frustrated, but they are almost always able to get back up. But when you are seriously depressed, it is caused by something chemically wrong with your brain. Whether there is a blockage of serotonin or too much, it can really keep you from feeling any kind of happiness. Pain and hopelessness are the only things that they really feel. The sad thing is that most all people who commit suicide don't think that they can ever feel better or get real help for the worthlessness they feel. I knew that there was something totally wrong with me. I stopped caring about everything that I used to. (friends, sports, girls, etc.) I am so glad that I sought help because I am finally back to myself. Even though I am now happy and excited about life again, I STILL KNOW THAT SUICIDE IS NOT SELFISH. So, basically my point here is that all the people who are commenting on how selfish it is, just don't understand. They don't understand because they have never experienced true depression and I am very happy for them. I hope they never have to understand and change their mind.

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