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Reward Points:5
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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9 most recent arguments.
BTroy(5) Clarified
1 point

Who doesn't love peanut butter sandwiches they are the perfect mix of flour peanuts and bacon but i don't like the bacon on it otherwise it would be super good.

BTroy(5) Clarified
1 point

Here are my steps to talking to a fish first you must look it right in the eyes then give them a bunch of compliments then you take them out of the tank then you give it 10 kisses which then makes an unbreakable bond between you which then allows you to talk to them.

3 points

Yes I believe we are the servants of god and should spend all of our time giving to him and worshipping giving all we get to our creator.

1 point

I am a fish whisperer and every time I talk to a person fish it tells me that its owner doesn't give it enough of their time and how they hate living in small tanks not big enough for them. But when I talk to a happy fish they tell me how their owner is the best person ever and how they love their life.

2 points

I think that cutting down the rain forest would cause the area to become dry due to the forest not making anymore rain and this would cause animals to leave the area or genetic mutations causing human eating species to take over the world.

1 point

I believe the world would end due to the all the animal life coming out of hibernation and eat all the trees due to no food causing the oceans to become massive tsunamis and earthquakes splitting the earth in half.

1 point

I would go to school learn everything life has to teach me. Then i would go to college major in something. After that I would work the rest of my life doing the job I want.

1 point

Because the panthers lost. THat is the only reason the broncos lost.

1 point

I believe give all to god for god is the only one worthy of so much and us selfish, arrogant humans are the one reason god has given up.

Winning Position: yes

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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