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RSS BeanJustBean

Reward Points:29
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10 most recent arguments.

The left kept it shut down, destroyed the economy, now they can't fix it as it gets worse, and all over a virus that it turned out was 75% less lethal than they claimed. That's so bad of a cluster fuck that the Democrats are expected even by left wing polling to get destroyed in the midterms while Biden's approval is in the gutter despite the fake billionaire media running cover nonstop for the Democrats.

Here's the CDC saying 3 out of 4 listed Covid deaths were caused by something othed than Covid, making it no more dangerous than the common flu. had-4-or-more-comorbidities/article 2c944302-7267-11ec-91c9-a3689650d909.html

Here's the left condemning Trump for saying open up the country while they keep it closed "for your safety"

Biden has only been president for 18 months. If somebody was taking your jobs before that, it surly wasn't Biden.. How's that for math?

The left shut down the country. Trump said open back up. The economy was booming prior to the left shutting down the country. How's that for objective truth there buddy?

2 points

Looks like another debate for Excon to blindly skip right past.

0 points

majority Republican Senate unanimously passed and President Trump signed a $1.8 trillion dollar stimulus which somehow adds trillions in Democratic pork to the debt - right?

They presented abill without the Democrats' pork, then they tried to hold emergency relief hostage, knowing the Republicans will try to protect the people and push it through.

0 points

Because I don't care about the difference between calling someone a Nazi and saying they are using Nazi tactics.

All while the left arrests mothers, surfers, and barbers, attacks peaceful protesters, and then riots, loots, and burns down liberal cities, and sets churches on fire, using "Nazi tactics" resembling the Nazi brown shirts, and all while you sit there silent as you watch obvious Communists burn down black peoples' businesses and homes. And why do you do such a thing I wonder? Because you are either scared of the far left, are blind as a damn bat, or you are one of these deranged Communist psychopaths and will be their puppet or slave in the end, assuming they win. Why don't you actually get out of your echo chamber and at least pretend to attempt to be interested in other opinions and data that might contradict your current notions and assumptions?

Here, I'll give you some quick, easy reading to help you out. If you don't analyze it objectively and make an effort to dive further into the issue, that's your fault. Don't come crying on here to me when reality hits, and it is too late for you. I'll just respond by saying "I warned you".









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You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. The entire stimulus bill (ARRA) was only about $800 billion

"The Trump administration and Congress have enacted three separate coronavirus-relief packages at a total cost of more than $2 trillion.

The most recent legislation—the CARES Act—provides $1.8 trillion in direct aid to individuals and businesses, the largest stimulus package in U.S. history."

Congress Shovels Trillions at Virus, With No Endgame in Sight

"As lawmakers scramble to assemble the largest government relief effort in decades, they are locked in a cycle of reacting to events and hoping for better economic news."

-The New York Times

Why are you debating with yourself?

0 points

No he didn't.

Then why did he apologize later for it?

Displaying 6 most recent debates.

Tied Positions: As bad as possible vs. Pretty damn bad
Tied Positions: And with proof vs. Made up
Tied Positions: Burrito needs purpose vs. ANTIFA are retards

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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