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RSS BecksJanJul

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

The media certainly likes to look at things in a unique way. There are some great things in the Numeracy project so definitely don't throw the baby out with the bath water, just change your practice in the way we do things and look at Agency.

1 point

Changing my habits of teaching and learning through this term's modules has stretched myself. Thinking of those subjects I find difficult it is easy in a power of 3 to let the other 2 teach them but when you have to take one of those subjects you have the time to finding better resources and lessons to model better practice to the children we teach. So the collaborative approach for me is definitely the way to go to change my learning / teaching habits and talking to the learners using myself as the role model

1 point

I don't think it is feasible at all. There is a lot in the Numeracy project that can support Agency and children knowing their next steps. Our learners who are our 'Agents' (Self regulated Learners or learners with Agency) are currently being taught to look at their support documentation as to their next steps in Knowledge learning and then where they can find resources to support this learning. Basic Facts still plays an important part of our programme, people can say they may not need them in the future but really we all use our tables in some shape and form in real life. There is still a need for the basics if you can see the purpose and in this case knowing this will allow learners to be confident, connected, actively involved in using these basics in later lifeā‰„

1 point

Go the basics as long as we en courage actively involved, life long connected learners

1 point

We agree even SEN learners have this ability if supported in the right manner so that achievement in what ever form and level is encouraged

1 point

Having looked at another school's ICT survey at their last BOT meeting and the teachers were not as confident with the iPads they had just introduced as BYOD as their students were. Yet the teachers did not have personal ones. I argued the point with another member that shouldn't that be a priority so that indeed they keep up or ahead of the students and the possibilities by experiencing them? The BOT decided with the next round of purchasing the staff would all get devices.

1 point

Are we reflecting the essence of the curriculum - confident, connected, actively involved, life long learners - in all that we do? Having listened to Julia Aitken with this point, is this a key question that we have at the heart of what we do? Is it a value that we can unpack as we reflect and move forward with agency and ubiquity and moving to a our new school? Maybe it should be the key to all those decisions we make!

1 point

I like the idea behind the NZC that we can tailor to our community and our learners. I agree the basics are still there through the achievement objectives but how we deliver and create our programmes is so much more flexible than we ever had before.

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