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RSS Bryanheng

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Hitler took advantage of the League of Nations weakness as they did not fight Hitler when he was clearly violating the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler was able to build up his army and manage to force Europe into war.

2 points

Hitler's expansionist policy played a major role in contributing toward the outbreak of World War 2. When he first came into power, he already started to challenge the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. And adopted a aggressive foreign policy. He always took advantage of events and used violence to achieve his goals. Hitler made Germany pull out of the League of Nations, and the Geneva Disarmament conference. This allowed Germany to increase its military capabilities, allowing Hitler to achieve his expansionist aims. He violated the conditions in the Treaty of Versailles by initiating a massive rearmament of Germany's defence. He lied to the league of nations that his remilitarisation plans were committed to peace. Hitler ordered troops to remilitarise the Rhinelands that was previously demilitarised by the Treaty of Versailles, this violated the conditions in the Treaty of Versailles. He used the Franco-soviet Alliance as an excuse, saying that Germany was under threat from the alliance between France and Soviet Union, and should be allowed to defend their own land. Hitler made Germany involved in the Spanish Civil war to divert both Britain and France's attention from his expantionist plans in eastern Europe and allowed him to test the strength of his army.

Bryan and Cheryl XD

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