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Reward Points:26
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

What's the nature of your enslavement?

You'll find out if you ever stop obeying.

1 point

It tasted like failure, basement musk, meager government checks and sad faps to hentai.

Listen, if success is selling off all your principles and becoming a brainwashed, obedient little doggy in exchange for a few dollars and a pat on the head from your sadistic capitalist masters, then I'm delighted to be a failure. The reason you ended up in the military pal is because intelligent people go do something else.

1 point

Maybe you'll show up and feel a little more calm and rational

Yeah, maybe I'll be extra rational like you and find a three year old I can give a lethal weapon to.

You're not well in the mind, pal. If you want to fight people then leave your gun at home and go find an MMA gym. Don't threaten random strangers on the internet from behind the safety of your keyboard you absolutely pathetic twit. You're an adult. Act like one.

1 point

Well, I need to stop in London one of these days to piss on Karl Marx's grave.

I honestly don't care where you need to stop, you pitifully stupid imbecile. You are of zero importance to me. You're just some ginger retard on the internet with a big mouth and not much up top.

1 point

The right opposes big government.

The right literally invented the Patriot Act you stupid clown. It opposes big government like I oppose Margot Robbie sitting on my lap.

Excon is absolutely right that Nazism is as right wing as you get, and the Nazis loved big government. They even lied about loving big government, just like you idiots do.

1 point

Dude. You're an obese, bald guy

I am neither obese nor bald and you are a literal poster boy for debilitating mental health issues.

1 point

An attacker trying to kill doesn't need a gun to kill you

Having a gun helps the attacker kill you. It makes it significantly easier for the attacker to kill you. So selling the attacker a gun is quite obviously a very stupid idea.

Your suggestion that there's no problem with selling guns to maniacs prone to hate and violence is, of course, beyond the limits of human stupidity and into territory previously reserved for monkeys.

1 point

Democracy is a complex illusion which is fed to the people only so they don't revolt and tear everything down. It hasn't existed in any capacity since Athens, and perhaps not even then.

At some point in history, someone figured out that the most reliable slaves are the ones who don't know they are enslaved.

1 point

you aren't particularly bright

Lol. I absolutely guarantee that my IQ is at least 40 points higher than yours. Telling lies every second sentence doesn't require brains; it just requires a total lack of ethics and personal integrity.

1 point

Knife deaths have skyrocketed in Britain

And? Not only can I run away from a knife, but knife wounds are statistically less than half as dangerous as gunshot wounds.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Yes, they can get to heaven

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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