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RSS ChickNugget

Reward Points:12
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree very well. i hope you get a good grade on this. it is pretty good on how you explained and how the details are of what you are talking about.

1 point

China are supreme at what they do, but i beg to differ. The chinese are not slightly surpassing the usa military and the economy of the usa is pretty good on how there progress is for taxes etc, but also i think the usa is going to be the next superpower, close as well.

1 point

Winner for Economy is the usa:

The usa is the winner for economy because of how much freedom the u.s.a really has and how much freedom people can do.China might have more people or a way bigger population than us, but china’s financial sector is way back behind our financial sector. Also our GPD and there GPD are know where to similar to ours. China’s GDP would be about $10.73 trillion and the usa’s GPD is about $18.56 trillion. Also the usa provides the citizens with much freedom such as bear arms, freedom of speech,religion,press,protection, and Housing of soldiers etc.

Winner for Military is the usa:

The usa has way more subs, airforce planes, and tanks. There is also about 800 military bases outside of the united states.The united states is more advanced and has more power as a whole country. In simple terms, the U.S. Armed Forces are made up of the five armed service branches: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy. ... The Secretary of the Department of Defense (DoD) has control over the military and each branch - except the Coast Guard, which is under the Dept. of Homeland Security.The united states has the most elite forces in the world, for example, The Night Stalkers ,FAST, 75th Ranger Regiment,Navy, SEALs ,Delta Force ,Force Recon,and MARSOC.

Winner for Politics is the usa:

The executive branch is headed by the President and is formally independent of both the legislature and the judiciary. The cabinet serves as a set of advisers to the President. They include the Vice President and heads of the executive departments. Legislative power is vested in the two chambers of Congress, the Senate and the House representatives. The judicial branch (or judiciary), composed of the Supreme court and lower federal courts, exercises judicial power (or judiciary). The judiciary's function is to interpret the US constitution and Federal laws and regulations. This includes resolving disputes between the executive and legislative branches. The federal government's layout is explained in the Constitution.This displays a very complex of government and how the usa works. This is only a little chunk of the rules.

2 points

It was worth the money only because we and they could have lost more lives if the war. If we never dropped the bomb the war could have still gone on and caused more deaths from both sides, than the actual more deaths from the bomb.

2 points

It was either those lives lost or more Japs and USA Americans lost in war. For all the lives lost in the ww2, Other people would try out for war or recruit for war. : )

-1 points was the link that I will be using for this argument.

The usage of the atomic bombs over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved both American and Japanese lives. Without the bombs, allied forces would have been forced to invade mainland Japan. This would have been a bloodbath exponentially bigger than the terrible destruction that took place on Okinawa. Through the use of the bomb and the Soviet Unions entry into the war, this was avoided, and the Japanese surrendered. So the bombs saved American and Japanese lives through the forcing of surrender. It was either we lose more people than the bomb. or sacrifice the lives of the atomic bomb too save many other lives.

1 point

Recently Pyongyang has announced that their bombs can reach the USA.

1 point

What if they surprise us with an attack or an attack from bombs. We can't just leave them and not care, but to find out what they are up yo just in case.

1 point

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly said, that we should not be worried about a threat against north Korea. Other people say that the north Korea could possibly have missiles that can reach the united states. The united states of America should be concerned of this cause the North Korea could attack allies or even sneak attack us. Korea might have nuclear missiles and might bomb anyone. With this threat on edge of an ice berg, people of the U.S are kind of scared of a war or nuclear war possibly.North Korea has tested over a dozen missiles since February, including its first-ever test of an intercontinental ballistic missile on July 4.Also Pyongyang has said the US mainland is now within range. LINK:

2 points

Where is the proof or evidence for this simple sentence for the UN veto power? Is true but needed more clarification.

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