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RSS Chris13

Reward Points:1
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1 point

I disagree to a large extent that Stalin's Economic Policies were detrimental for the USSR. one of the very successful operations were collectivisation. collectivisation, which meant that peasants would work together on larger, supposedly more productive farms. Almost all the crops they produced would be given to the government at low prices to feed the industrial workers. this resulted in massive growth in the economy of Russia and also grain exports. By 1937, 97 million tonnes were produced and cash crops for export and trade. not only that but freeing up the peasants meant that they could go to the town and cities to look for jobs, which meant that more jobs could be made and more money was made. from 1928–37 17 million peasants left the countryside to work in the towns. collectivisation also improved the technology of Russian agriculture as new methods/ tractors/ fertilisers/ large-scale help to produce large scale crops.

Another one of the very successful operations was industrialization. industrialization meant that the USSR opened up more to the world, economically speaking, also meaning that they would get more money by exporting the grain that they had collected from the collectivisation plan The USSR was turned into a modern state, which was able to resist Hitler's invasion. There was genuine Communist enthusiasm among the young ‘Pioneers’ as everyone was striving towards the same goal of improving the lives of all Russians and improving the economy. this shows how Stalin's Economic Policies were not detrimental to USSR.

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