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RSS Chrissy

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

You could improve on the specific problems the country is facing and define the type of aid that is required by the country in need. Though they may lose their sovereignty in this case, more often than not, the LDCs are usually provided financial aid by the richer DCs. There are strings attached(though not political) but rather economic in nature, such as subsidies on imports into the country receiving aid which could actually worsen the country's economic problems.

2 points

Yes this is true when the country intervenes in political conflict. Coherent paragraph and relevant examples. You could have included the different political alignments and the superpowers trying to spread their different ideologies. Maybe a clearer link could be established showing that foreign intervention do not work in countries facing high political tension.

3 points

Foreign intervention is crucial in times of natural disasters when other countries provide aid to the country in need. Foreign countries can provide necessities, monetary aid and emergency personnel. Necessities such as food and water would be provided to the locals who do not have access to them to help to cope with the short term impacts. This would help them survive and better cope with the impact of the disaster. Monetary aid can be given to rebuild the affected country's economy. Emergency personnel can be flown in to help the country to rescue survivors and provide medical aid when needed. This can be illustrated by the 2011 Japan Earthquake of magnitude 9.0 where nations around the globe responded with offers of assistance - money, rescue personnel, food and equipment. Netherlands for example provided 1 million US dollars in financial aid. This aided Japan in their recovery efforts today. Therefore, the presence of foreign powers do help countries when they are plagued with problems.

-Simret and Christine

1 point

Chan claims that due to technological advancements, women are granted opportunities to be equal with men in the workforce. I agree with his claim because manual labour is greatly reduced and women do not have to rely on physical strength in order to work. With advanced technologies, women are able to get work done with the click of a button. In addition, advanced machineries has reduced the tediousness of manufacturing factories as well and by operating these machines, women are able to complete the work with efficiency that is now on par with men. This has encouraged employers to employ female workers as well. This has resulted in an increasing proportion of women engaged in the labour force all over the world. with the exception of Northern Africa and Western Asia. Therefore with technological advancements, women are now more empowered with tools to work since manual labour is reduced. This hence increased the participation of women in the workforce and eventually gave opportunities for women to shine in the workforce as well.

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