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RSS Cody1776

Reward Points:4
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

I can prove it because I have seen it. Some of the people I have talked to have admitted to coming to school drunk. Kids are taught how to drink, yet when they our over the age of drinking and out of the house they go crazy about it. Many parnets have taught their kids about drinking, yet that never means they are going to follow it.

1 point

States ought to possess nuclear because:

1 Deterrence. As shown throughout history (65 years since nukes invented) there has been an effective deterrence to MAJOR wars. Not on of the 9 countries that possess nukes have been invaded, or have gone to war with another nuclear country

2 Possessing nukes does not mean you will use them, out of the 65 years nukes have been around only 2 have been used, and they effectively ended a war.

3 Nukes save lives. This is true because, as seen through history, in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 200,000 lives were lost. Though this toll is awful, when military leader got together in 1945 they estimated 1 million Americans would die in an invasion of Japan. This isn't including the Japanese toll if this happened, because they would've fought till the last man.

1 point

No, not at all.

1. This would encourage kids to come to school drunk, does that sound right? Many kids are starving for one beer already, imagine how many would cross that line and drink?

2. 18 is considered adulthood, where people make their own decisions, and pay the price for them. Therefore it is right for that age to be in place, they are out of regular school, and most are out of their parents house.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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