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RSS ConnorDrish

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

I support this because they have a way better economy and a bigger army than the USA and they outnumber the USA to 1to100 there manpower is triple than USA's economy

1 point

China at the end of 2013 made 7.7 trillion dollars but is losing some. In 2012 it was 7.8 trillion dollars.USA at the end of 2013 they have made 1.6 trillion dollars.But at the end of 2012 they have made 2.2 trillion dollars.USA at the end of 2013 had a public debt of 71.8 billion dollars but they are paying little at a time in 2012 it was 72.5 billion dollars.China had a public debt of 22.4 billion dollars on 2013.It was 31.7 billion dollars but they were paying there debt off.China has better economy of USA in the future.Manpower fit for for military service for China's army. On 2010 they had 318,265,000 million people fit for military service.United States manpower fit for military service is 60,620,140 million people fit.USA spends most on there Defense Budget than the entire world.Spending 611 billion dollars more than the 8 countries before them they overall total about 595 billion dollars on the end of April 2016.China won this future for military strength.China's allies are North Korea,South Korea,Russia,Japan,and USA there is only 5 they are allies with.USA is allies with 60 countries including Japan,South Korea,Middle east,Europe,and Nato.BUt china's wars are none and USA is war with 30 ongoing wars.

1 point

And they are still building more and more nuclear warheads and a bigger army and stronger army by this very second.

1 point

We should be concerned because they could kill many of our people and they have china on there side and russia is a little they could cause ww3 or nuclear war

1 point

North Korea is a huge threat around the world especially the United States. North Korea is a threat to everyone because if theta don't lie something they'll just launch a nuclear war head at you. "North Korea has declared that its recent nuclear test has given it the capability to "wipe out the whole territory of the US all at once"." North Korea says they'er not a threat to the united states nut to be honest they really are the biggest threat to the world be cause of what happened in the Civil War and in the 1950's. The war is still going on right now. Te war just got slowed down for some years.

1 point

Without the veto, dictatorship could happen. At the end of World War two, the world united nations was MADE to prevent any other world wars happening. Has there been one since? NO. no, there hasn't.

In addition to this, the five countries who gained the power deserved it, and MOST are known to be democratic societies. if we had syria in the power five, would the world work? It wouldn't. The veto is imperative to ensure no bad, crazy actions occur. members-of-the-un-security-council-be-abolished

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