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RSS FactKing

Reward Points:34
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

You have been a very bad boy I hear. I am going to have to administer a curried fart blast to your nostrilic tubing regions there ain't me gonna there Nommy boy?

1 point

We need less humans on the earth and there is a decent window of time before a fetus becomes sentient wherein abortions can happen and raise no legitimate moral concerns.

FactKing(34) Clarified
1 point

Everyone has to die of something. Otherwise you would look quite silly laying there dying of nothing ;)

The fact that every death has a causality to it is not an opinion, it's a fact.

FactKing(34) Clarified
1 point

you want to virtue signal on the outside, despite being a filthy piece of trash on the inside.

In Nom's case that couldn't be any more true.

1 point

Your profile picture is demeaning to buttholes all across the land. I suggest you change it to avoid offending the butthole community.

1 point

So, you've knowingly been trying to give yourself cancer?

Why is everything you write so boring and stupid? You have just been bullshitting this whole time.

1 point

A terrorist attack against Muslims is what that was. It was carried out in the name of Brontoraptor.

1 point

I have been eating cooked meat all my life, so there goes that theory. A better pun would be "oh it's an objective scientific fact that cooking and especially burning meat produces carcinogens eh? So is that why you are so cancerous and toxic when you state objective facts on the internet LOLOLOLOL"

0 points

You are a retard. It is common knowledge that carcinogens are produced, particularly in red meat, the more it is cooked.

1 point

That doesn't count. Try a different one .

Displaying 5 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Why you are inherently wrong if you hold any beliefs about creation/origin of the universe
Winning Position: I should own this site, not Andy.
Winning Position: Cooking meat makes it carcinogenic, not the fact that it is meat
Winning Position: Express any opinion of your choosing in this debate- I bet I can prove it wrong

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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