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RSS Faithful2God

Reward Points:24
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You shall not receive an animals body. Only your own and sin cannot exist in heaven. Only peace and joy.


Out of nothing comes nothing.

Okay so the universe had a starting point and was created... why are you so quick to come to the conclusion of "God"? For all we know, super advanced alien cats could have created the universe.

Impossible since that requires pre-existing materials to have an alien cat race. The cause cannot be constructed of this universe. The cause cannot be physical.

Can god create a being more powerful than himself? Can god create a four-sided triangle?

There is no reason to believe he can't.

That is right and I should probably retract what I have put out. The cause is the creator, and that creator is God.

God loves all of his creation, but only those that accept the word of Jesus Christ shall inherit eternal life in the choir of The Lord.

Nothing can create God. God is the necessity of all things. Without God nothing can come into being. The universe is expanding which means it has a starting point. If the universe had a start the it was created. Theories claiming that the universe is eternal are flawed and have been shown to be false. The only thing capable of creating such a thing is God! For he is almighty in his ways and nothing is too hard for him to do.

Yes, by following Christ you are resurrected and freed from the flesh and given a new body to dwell in heaven and live in the choir of The Lord forever.

Any other religion, myth, or fable is a creation of Satan and all false idolatry shall be burned to the ground and shall be turned to dust upon the return of Christ. For it is through him that all other stories of other gods are plain and false. He shows his faithful servants the path to eternal life.

Faithful2God(24) Clarified
1 point

Yes, but what shall be there first outside force that moves the first object into motion? If the universe is expanding, and the big bang is true, then wouldn't that require a previous cause to spark the initial object's movement? That cause being God?

No, your physical body shall be turned back into dust and you will be resurrected in spirit and shall live in eternal peace in the choir of The Lord forever.

The universe cannot be eternal. The universe is expanding. What is expanding must have started from a point. If it was truly eternal it would have to remain unchangable. The universe has changed. The universe is not eternal. It requires a creator. That creator is God.

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