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RSS FeliciaC

Reward Points:4
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5 most recent arguments.
2 points

I support your argument as it is true that Korea would be very reliant on the US, especially in the long run. This would not be beneficial to Korea. Sometimes, the intention of foreign power would seem like it benefits both parties. However, it is not true as illustrated in your argument. Good argument.

1 point

Your argument lacks examples of countries who failed to repay their debts. Supporting data is required to support your point for the reader to support your argument. Also, there is a need to explain why they still remain poor. It could probably be due to a corrupt government and also over reliance on other countries which would lead to complancency. Hence, unable to get out of the poverty cycle.

1 point

Showed the difference in Singapore as compared to other countries to make your point that people have their own mindset and not our grandparents' mindset.

1 point

I agree but could be better elaborated with better examples given!

1 point

I agree with Chan Wai Leong's view that the advancement of technology is one factor that causes gender revolution. It is due to the fact that work can be completed efficiently and this allows woman to be able to participate as jobs are now "less back-breaking". Moreover, in today's society, women and men both have equal standing in the work force. In Singapore, women are given the opportunity to do what men are doing. The idea of women taking up important positions in the company shows that we are now open to the idea of gender revolution. They are able to show that they are capable and therefore, should be given the rights to work. Furthermore, there are successful women who have arised to the challenge of gender revolution due to technology and the changes in management which Singapore practises.

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