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RSS Hannah8763

Reward Points:34
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

We're like the polar opposites. And I'm sure if his undeclared girlfriends knew... I'd be in a tight spot. He's a real dick though. I don't like him. Never did.

1 point

I've had guys ask me for pics before but I always respond with a strict no. This guy though is like that jock guy at school whom all the girls fall head over heels for. It's odd he'd want to talk to me suddenly and I've always known he's a druggie. He brags about it and then girls swoon over him. It's real stupid. Anyway he was flirting a LOT with me at the beginning of the year and I remember because a lot of chicks were mad at me. Would a guy like that suddenly want to eat out an outcast girl who's always late to school, reads a lot, and almost always is in some sort of conflict with the teachers? It seems random. He has a ton of disciples at school. Why me?

1 point

Dude I hate it when I'm with my friends, and everyone but me is on their period and all they want to do is eat ice cream and bitch about people. No using PMS as an excuse is not okay..

1 point

Its not the good feelings that are going away, but the bad ones. I' m never stressed anymore so I have trouble doing things I need to be doing because there is no pressure for me to do them.

1 point

Dude I'm a fifteen year old girl and besides tearing up during movies I haven't sat down and cried in about three years. People keep telling me I bottle things up but in reality I just stopped caring about things that don't matter. It's like lifting the world off your shoulders. Once you try it you never go back.

1 point

I believe in Jesus, and I don't think you people have the right to tell the Christian people that their God does not exist any more than I have the right to say Buda or Gunesh or Mohamid doesn't exist. I highly respect religious people no matter what their religion. At least they believe in something, at least they keep morals.

1 point

A women has the right to her body, not the child inside of her.

1 point

Having sex with someone your about to marry is one thing, but multiple people? Lots of people? Thats just discusting. I don't want to marry someone who has been everwhere and seen everything. I want to know what diseases your carrying and what your gonna pass on to me and my children. Plus, people like that? They never really love you, they just say they do so they can get in your pants and give you a baby you can't take care of. That poor child is most likely going to end up aborted, orphand, or abused. Yeah, he really loves you.....

1 point

Abortion is selfish, you were thinking of yourself when you did it yes? Not of the baby. And people try to make themselves feel better by saying "Oh thats not a child that just a clump of Cells." Who says so?

1 point

Ha, I stood on the side of the road for half an hour holding up a sign that said abortion kills children and only got nine negative responses, mainly from people who were smoking and in beat up cars. The rest were positive. Honks, thumbs up, waves, and there was probably ten times more of them. there was also a large group of people who didn't respond. In reality, if just a few more of these people moved to pro life, abortion would be illegal. Your smaller than you think. There are reasons why sex is for married couples and clearly you people are too dumb to figure out why. You'll never get anywhere good if you live like that.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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