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RSS Harley

Reward Points:17
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

the Louisiana purchase got the US a lot of western land that we needed so the population could grow and more land would be available to people

1 point

the flat land was good use to plant crops so it helped get more money by being able to sell the crops to make more money

1 point

the gadsden purchase got the US a bunch of flat land which was good for growing crops on and to build houses

1 point

the texas annexation is when texas finally became its own state and no longer a part of mexico then it joined the united states

1 point

the adam-onis treaty was good because it helped us get flordia from spain which was land we needed at the time

1 point

54-40 or fight was good because we got the land we wanted even if it did mean threatening to start a war

1 point

the manifest destiny was good, we got a lot of new land and they accomplished their dream of expanding to the pacific ocean

1 point

if we didnt have the mexican-american war, the united states wouldnt be as big as it is today and we wouldnt have as many states as we have. the waar was important to how our country is today

1 point

when he forced the natives to move from their homelands and walk thousands of miles to a new place he killed thousands of the natives just so he could have their land

2 points

most of the things he did when he was president didn't benefit the US much but mostly hurt it

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