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RSS HewasRight

Reward Points:1
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0 points

He was Right: Just look around - in the USA, nigger-loving white trash whores everywhere - the white race is in Ruins. Employment sucks - most men live hand-to-mouth and can barely earn enough to survive let alone own anything even after a lifetime of work. the 1 and 2 percent at the top own nearly everything - most of the property, resources and almost ALL of the money - the SWINE Hitler spoke of - those who would have ruined German's lives and country - those SWINE Ruined and continue to RUIN America and most of the Western world today. The Allies may have won the battle, but they Lost the WAR - the SWINE have INFESTED America and Destroyed the place.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Atheist
Education: College Grad

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