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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

No. Nobody knows what happens after death, maybe it's nothingness, maybe we go to purgery. To be an escape (assuming your escape is to something better), death would have to be better than life, and for all we know, it could be much worse than life.

To jump into something as unreversable and terminal as death is too much to justify the cause as an escape. However everybody's situation in life, view of life and their view of escape are different, so really everybody will have a different view to this question, I think it's fairly personal.

1 point

I don't see why people have a problem with this? It's not like they harm the society in any way, if they want to get married, let them! It isn't up to us to decide whether somebody else should or should not get married to someone, same sex or not. It's not like it causes trouble for anyone right? It is their choice.

2 points

I see what you're saying, however if people say used goods as payment, you will still get the the gap between rich and poor, whenever there is a method of someone getting more wealthy (in any way) than someone else, somebody will be richer and someone poorer.

Unless you have a system like communism where everybody is equal, someone with less will feel more insignificant and vice versa. There always be someone well off than you, unless you're the guy at the top of the tree. Not using money will not get rid of that effect. Getting rid of inequality will, and that's a different problem.

Money is the best type of currency; its a neutral ground that is easy to store, it's exchangeable for anything, and personally I think it is better than a lot of other options, things like goods are just inconvenient to exchange, that's why money was created and stuck.

1 point

In response to Iran not having enough money, I reckon that they could create a similar situation to Iraq - the insurgents there didn't have too much money? You also have to remember Iran's allies: China, Russia, Germany and France, all have oil and trade ties with Iran which once gone (regarding Germany and France) will be inconvenient to relocate to other countries. In regard to China and Russia, they would likely fund Iran in war with the US (particularly China). So I don't personally think money is a problem for Iran.

1 point

Definitely not. Firstly, what proof is there of Iran holding nuclear weapons anyway? It's what the government have told us, and the same thing they told us before Iraq, except that time it turned out there was absolutely no evidence of them ever being there.

Secondly, say Iran was to have nuclear weapons: Iran would most probably never use them. If it was to launch a nuclear missile (my bet is on the US), how would that benefit them? The US would immediately invade and start a war with Iran, that just would not help Iran in any way! Have you noticed that it is usually the US to start the war up, when the country is pretty fine as it is without intervention?

Therefore I feel that going to war with Iran is completely unfounded; how can a war be started on unproven evidence (morally anyway)? Especially in a economic climate like we are in now, the US just couldn't afford another war. It also isn't really up to the US to decide what other governments do, as long as they don't bother anyone right?

1 point

Of course its worth it! Dating then sets you up for the rest of your life, and you have to start sometime right? If you don't start then you'll be plunged into the prime time of your life for finding somebody and won't have a clue how it works!

It's better to get all the ups and downs out the way leading to a steady relationship later on, if you don't have the experience, you'll spend your time learning and have inconsistent relationships when you could have done that in your teens.

2 points

Yes I definitely agree. There are instances where you just need to or it is nicer to send a letter. It's always great as a backup as well! I believe that so long as people continue using it, closing it isn't a great idea.

Also not everyone does have email, for example my grandparents do not, therefore we need to send them an actual card (although funnily enough they understand Skype haha). So no, it should stay open.

1 point

Yes and no. Nowadays technology is moving so quickly that blockbusters is going to have to quickly adapt to all the new things coming on the market: it isn't. Blockbusters in ten years just will not be able to be still renting out dvd's and games; technology will have moved on by then, so personally I think blockbuster wil die out itself; everything comes to an end.

Netflix is becoming popular right now, but people still like the idea of going into a rental store, having a look around, reading the back of dvd's and judging what they like 'in the flesh', something impossible with Netflix.

Recently Netflix stock hit a 20-month low due to the fact that it is pretty much running out of money. It is hard for a company with so much debt (it just raised $400 million from investors) to bring down such a large company as Blockbusters.

Netflix has to overcome the problem of Blockbuster being an established household brand along with people being used to popping out to fetch a DVD.

So really I think not, with technology moving so quickly, new firms like Netflix that are pretty specific to current technology just could not adapt in the future.

Another argument to support Netflix (and also Blockbuster) going under themselves is the fact that along with the whole smartphone/tablet movement, companies like Google and Apple build in film rental into their app stores, used by their huge userbase. For the user it is just easier to go and rent a movie off the device they own, on the app store the know and use, no registration with a already registered card! Why go to Netflix when you can just go to the app store on your phone? Apple and Google just have too much access to peoples lives through the devices the use for someone like Netflix to take them on.

So personally I think Netflix and Blockbuster will both soon die out.

1 point

I would completely disagree with that, seeing as all the other species do not nearly consume as many resources as us!

The human race could consume much less than they do currently. In the case you have just stated, that means the human race must make more of an effort, using so many resources shows that we just don't and it isn't particularly in our interests to use the minimum anyway.

I do see what you're saying, and to a point I do agree, however the problem is that we use more than we could be using.

My argument is that we are using way more than we should be, and we are aware of it!

1 point

Going onto the bible is a different argument altogether.

Yes, the bible may dictate how to be a good citizen and so on, but if you look how much damage we have done to the world, it hasn't really helped many to care for the land we live on, has it?

Also not everybody is a Christian and I am sure that over holy books tell you how to care for the land etc. but people still damage our environment right?

I believe that it is the nature of the human race to put targets that benefits us first over anything else, it is difficult to deny that looking at things like logging, the amount of CO2 going into the atmosphere everyday and the other damaging activities that the human race has followed the religious texts and cared for the land as was dictated.

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