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RSS JoeBiden2

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

We're going after him because Twitter has been our machine to spread propaganda on and censor anyone not in on our billionaire monopoly. We need guys like you to stay ultra rich. We can make decisions for the little guy. Don't worry man. We know what's best for you even if you don't. It's way easier if us elites do the thinking for you. The Spicks aren't voting Democrat as much, so we're devising a plan. Just stay tuned man. We'll tell you what to think and do next. If we can't get em indoctrinated and compliant in enough numbers, we may need to round em up like we did the Japs. Sometimes we gotta do bad things to keep the billionaires and the Chi Coms in control. You just gotta trust me man. Those emails are taken way out of context. The ones that look like I'm making money off of those in poverty and a slave to the Chinese are doctored even though the NYT confirmed they were real. They didn't know there was a narrative yet and just let a little bit of some stuff out that he as supposed to stay hidden. It's no big deal man. I work for you. I may have to round up your boy for being a Trump supporter, but it'll be best for you. He's just misguided. We'll correct him in the camp. Maybe some electric wires connected to his head or the use of whip. We won't get extreme unless he has a bit too much to think. You have my word. I won't get caught sniffing your son on camera. It'll be just fine.

1 point

I dunno.. I'm doing the best I can to make sense of your gobbledygook.. But THIS video was Trump defending his wall

Hey man, don't be knocking my wall. I've almost got it finished. The brown folks aren't voting for us as much, so the numbers make it clear that we gotta start keeping them out now. This is strategy man. Sometimes there's just collateral damage on the path to a Fascist state.

And Jim Acosta making mincemeat of him..

Too bad the media got rid of this good man for ethics violations. We need more of these activists posing as journalists. It's the path to victory.

No red pill here.

Whew, that was a close one. I thought you might put two and two together and see that a black man made the video. Thank Jesus you didn't catch that part.

1 point

Trump had it right.. Obama is communist Muslim born in Kenya, sent here at an early age to run for president and ruin the USA.

Shhhh. Shut up with that crap man. Barry is a nice, clean black man, and that's nice for a change. I don't see many, clean black people that talk right. Ignore these MAGA people pointing out that he said he was a student of Saul Alinsky. You need to watch more CNN so we can help you form your beliefs full and properly.

1 point

Bush was a miserable president, but he's a wonderful EX president, painting pictures and keeping his mouth shut.

He's one of us man. He got the war machine going again, and I'm gonna keep it going. Good thing we got Trump outta the way of our military industrial complex making buttloads of money. That was a close one, but us, Pfizer, the social media giants, the billionaires, all of us. We got the guy out of here. He was keeping prices low and not helping us sell weapons. You're a good man for this. Sometimes you just gotta know when to let the billionaires and the corporations lead you by the nose.

1 point

We've got you right where we want you, and it's nice to see man. You didn't see my boy's emails, the video of the Chinese saying they have me in their pocket that was censored by the CCP but not until it got out, and you forgot I told the Cubans to keep their ass in Cuba because many of them don't vote Democrat. You still think we're a party of compassion and for the little guy. I'm excited to see your unmoved compliance to my administration and it's mission.

1 point

We are not going to do it. Cubans don't vote Democrat. Cubans don't like Communism. Come on man. We welcome voters, not immigrants. And a big problem we have is that after a while, the migrants catch on and start voting against us, so we have to unleash a new batch of ignorant voters from down south of the border. Do you think we could win an election if not for the influx of illegals from Mexico? Of course not. So we gotta play the game man. And once the Mexicans start voting against us too much, we'll pivot to the Klan and just do what we gotta do to win. Sometimes you just gotta genocide a group for the good of the people.

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