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RSS Junhong

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with what rui en had said. Reading will help the teenagers by improving their language, communication skills and undersatnd more about the world they live in and this will improve the relationship better one another and will also help the teenagers greatly as they will need all this skills when they start to work. Improving communication skills can allow teenagers to able to engage a conversation with others well and thus will aloow the teenagers to know the other person more. Improving language can allow teenagers to speak better with others and will allow teenagers not to speak anything that will offend other people.

1 point

I agree with what ting peng had said about having the sense of grammar and improving our vocabulary. I think that many people also have this kind of sense. It is like some sort of feeling that when you know that something is wrong but you just cannot really explain it. Even me, myself had this kind of feeling. This kind of feeling is rather confusing as somethime you cannot really rely on it. Next, i also agree with that reading helps in improving vocabulary. In books, it is quite impossible for you to really know all the meaning of the words in the book but when you keep on reading, the author will like somehow explain what the word means by using the story to explain. next time, if you ever cross the same word, you may not be able to really explain it very clearly but you somehow still knows what the word mean.

2 points

I feel that reading is very important to today's teenagers. Nowadays in Singapore, students don't really spent time reading books and would rather spend most of their time on the computer like playing games, watching online shows and blogging. Many teenagers thinks that reading is not important at all and thinks that reading is quite boring and will not help them at all but i think they are wrong. Reading is actually quite important and very helpful as reading can help to train our patience as reading books takes quite a lot of time for most people and reading can also helps in broadening our knowledge a lot and will help us in our vocabularly as books always contain many interesting phrases and sentences that we don't know. This will help in our composition writing and even in our comprehension skills. I also thinks that teenagers must develop good reading habits like reading a book everyday as reading is a kind of skills that we need when we go into the working society as we may need to read a lot of proposals and documents and may even need to sign some important documents that we will need to read carefully before we even signed it as there are many cases in the world that people did not bother reading the documents and signed it immediately and when they found out they had been conned by others, many of them regretted of not reading the documents before hand.

In conclusion, i think that reading is very important to today's teenagers as it will help them at all in the near future.

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