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RSS Kee9416347

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
4 points

I would not make sense to have to go to Africa to learn about Africa, we're learning a lot about Africa with pictures and videos and we aren't in Africa.

6 points

I disagree, because Africa might not be able to keep the artifacts safe and keep them in good condition, if something happened to them nobody would be able to learn Africa's history at all.

4 points

The artifacts should stay in Europe because it would influence the history of Africa's and Europeans understanding of that. It would create an understanding for all Europeans of the Africans culture. Suddenly taking all the artifacts away from Europe would be unreasonable and create more hate between the two continents. Africa might not have a stable enough endearment to keep the artifacts without them being stolen or destroyed as well as the chance of them all making it back to Africa completely safe and in good condition.

7 points

Here are a few of the reasons I think that the artifacts should be returned to Africa.

-- In source #2 the President of Ethiopia stated, "Ethiopians feel that this act of appropriation had no justification in international law."

-- He used the word appropriation meaning taking something away for one's own use without permission from the owner.

--Also he thought that, the artifacts are part of all Africans national heritage therefore it would be wrong to not give them back.

--According to source #1 the citizens of Africa should be able to learn more about their heritage by seeing the artifacts their ancestors created.

--In source #3 it states that the English returned the Stone of Scone to Scotland but yet they can't return some artifacts to Africa.

--According to Sindika Dokolo the artwork should be sold back to the Africans for the same price it was when it was stolen.

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