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RSS Kianna100

Reward Points:10
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6 most recent arguments.
0 points

People think what are you saying that animals are less important than you like think animals being used for testing mostly half of the time end up dying there using sometimes chemicals inside of dogs for you animals are not for the rights to be used for all that its just them trying illegal things on animals to give to you selfish people dogs are risking there life for you think of you being strangled or maybe you being threatened you have no way out to try and save yourself scientist need to make a machine that will test chemicals or clothing or anything don't harm our animals with you illegal or life threatening chemicals or clothing

Kianna100(10) Clarified
1 point

This is all so true i was in a class one time and it was talking all about how alcohol is not good for the body and cigarettes cause cancer you listed all reasons that i was going to put thanks you understand what happens to the people that do that they end up with cancer or sometimes DEAD people really need to think before they do something that stupid enough that your risking your life for.

Kianna100(10) Clarified
1 point

This is all so true i was in a class one time and it was talking all about how alcohol is not good for the body and cigarettes cause cancer you listed all reasons that i was going to put thanks you understand what happens to the people that do that they end up with cancer or sometimes DEAD people really need to think before they do something that stupid enough that your risking your life for.

1 point

What do you mean like really make understand of yourself marijuana is not illegal period if you notice marijuana kills people it makes them lose there eye sight and sometimes it makes you blind or sometimes flabs your face so that stuff your saying make sense of it pole dancers really

1 point

Hilary for president is great mostly because if your a African American you should be happy cause that's history again for the second time in a row first its the first African American president now its first African American female president think guys history again if were all gonna die list reasons why think guys history two times in a row

1 point

Hilary for president is great mostly because if your a african american you should be happy cause that's history again for the second time in a row first its the first african american president now its first african american female president think guys history again if were all gonna die list reasons why think guys history two times in a row

Winning Position: yes social media for kids

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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