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RSS KillerQueen

Reward Points:17
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Once in a while this website demands strange things of me.. This is one of 'em

You do say a lot of nonsensical shit. When did this site ever require anything from you other than you lying about being Jewish?

1 point

If Jews had the power

The ADL claims to have the power to do exactly what the ADL claims to have the power to do which is train FBI agents. WTF are you talking about?

If Jews had the power you bestow upon us

You aren't Jewish. WTF are you talking about times two.

0 points

Based on the trends of the Alinsky left, I'll assume the Nazis were left wingers like when they openly admitted they had dressed as the Klan.

And let us just forget all of the numerous Jussie Smollett wannabes we see every single year. Remember this gem? The fucking fake media still hasn't retracted or taken down the shit. Read this article while knowing for a 100 percent fact that the entire God damned story is a complete lie.

1 point

Let's correct this headline to make it true rather than billionaire corporate globalist propaganda.

People who we don't know the exact politics of are daring to question our omnipotent authority because they're sick of our authoritarian, dystopian bullshit

1 point

Honestly, just shut up and fuck off.

You're trying to convince successful people to listen to you when you are so pathetic that you need the government to help you out. Let that sink in there Einstein.

1 point

Yes, we should defund the police.

You want guns banned and no cops. You must be a super special level of stupid.

1 point

one could say that the slogan "defund the police", DIDN'T mean to actually RID ourselves of cops

It clearly did mean that.

City of Morris disbanding police department

Some major cities across the U.S. are also taking the lead on what a reimagined police force could look like. Minneapolis, the city where Floyd died in police custody, is taking the rare step of disbanding its police force.

If I'm being mugged, I'm NOT gonna call ANTIFA.

Best stop supporting Democrats then unless you want someone wielding a Communist flag to show up when you call.

1 point

More fake news against Biden

It's in his daughter's journal, and neither of them has denied it is hers. It would only be "fake news" if the journal wasn't real. It is real. The Bidens even tried to attack the person that sold it by saying she didn't find it in a halfway house but stole it. And even the New York Times confirmed and reported that the diary was "authentic". Both of these points are made in the link provided by the OP in paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 of the article.

a report named hundreds of church leaders accused or found guilty of abusing children and says survivors were mistreated

Biden, Obama, Pelosi etc are church goers. What's your point? To avoid what's in Biden's daughter's journal after the left told us to believe all women?

1 point

Biden is innocent.

Not according to his daughter's journal, and not according to videos of him sniffing hundreds of little girls.

1 point

And liberal open borders policies have instigated most of it. Human trafficking at the border is an epidemic of nuclear proportions.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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