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RSS KingZong

Reward Points:76
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Tim Pool:"I was a fan of Bernie Sanders until he said white people don't know what it's like to be poor." Joe Rogan:"That's hilarious, go to WV and visit the fucking coal miners." WVian here. He DID, and it's on video. He asked white people from WV's poorest county to explain poverty on camera.

Full Joe Rogan interview with Tim Pool:

1 point

Neither of those are legit sources. He says he's a liberal. He even debates for leftist ideas like Socialism. He even voted for Bernie Sanders. The billionaires that own the media companies you listen to call everyone that exposes them "right wing". You need to stop letting billionaires decide what you think.

1 point

YES! He beat Trump

Explain to me how that is good? Have you looked around lately? We went from massive prosperation to an econmy on fire.

1 point

he'll go down in history as the president who SAVED America.

Let us all close our eyes and ignore that Democrat voters are bailing by the millions like rats off of a sinking ship.Who's gonna write this history? You?

2 points

You'd have to be a complete embacile to think going from $1.20 gas to $5.00 gas, a massive drop in the job participation rate, new wars, massive inflation and empty shelves are "saving America". From what? Succeeding?

1 point

Trump would be president for life..

Why do I have a feeling there are CNN reporters somewhere saying behind closed doors, "the Trump President for Life thing is a big nothing burger"? Is it because that's what happened the last time they made one of their 5 million bogus claims about Trump?

1 point

In this great nation, can RIGHTS be voted out?

3 years ago my medical history was legally none of your business. Fast forward, and the Democrats made it to where you owe them that info to get into buildings. So you tell me, can rights be turned into dust with the snap of a finger by decree?

1 point

In this great nation, can RIGHTS be voted out?

3 years ago my medical history was legally none of your business. Fast forward, and the Democrats made it to where you owe them that info to get into buildings. So you tell me, can rights be turned into dust with the snap of a finger by decree?

2 points

Excon just sifted through 30 videos. You know he did. He's also not present for the debate.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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