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RSS LailaM1234

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I feel that security should be responsible in some situations. Like one of the videos I saw. It had a security guard slapping a disabled kid and the head three times and then flipping him out of his wheelchair because he slapped at his hands not wanting to go to class. In that situation the security guard should be responsible for that. There was no need to slap the disabled kid in the head three times then flip him out of his wheel chair for slapping at his hands. He could have handled the situation differently. For example, he could have left the situation alone and took him to his class like he intended to without violence. In that situation the security guard is overacting and he should responsible for. Another person who should be responsible for it is the parents because no one acts like this for no reason. When it comes to the gender on how situations should be handled, I think that boys and girls should be handled the same way. For example if there are many girls or many boys jumping on one person I think they should be handled the same way. When it comes to the sex, age, and race I think the age should be handled differently. I don't think you would handle a kindergartener the way you would handle an eighth grade. So when it comes to the security guards they should be legally liable

Supporting Evidence: Security Guard Attacks Disabled Student (
1 point

Yes. I say they should because it doesn't express who the students really are. Shoes won't really express who the students are so what will. Some shoes they don't even allow in school. Some hairstyles aren't even allowed in schools either! Students shouldn't wear uniforms because uniforms are expensive which parents have to keep buying each year when their kid could wear something out of the clothes in their closets or drawers. If bullying is why uniforms were enforced it will not stop bullies. They can still bully you about your pants being too short or your shirt being too long. So I think students should be able to choose whether they should wear uniforms or not.

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