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RSS LeBigSensei

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Jesus is a god, the bible itself mentions it at John 1:1 but I don't believe him to be Jehovah God. The reasons are many for coming to such a conclusion. Basically, the Trinitarian comes to a simple supporting methods. First, mistranslation of the bible, such as John 1:1, and then similarities. Now concerning mistranslations, it is of interest to know that a Trinitarians strongest verse for proving the Trinitiy are the ones that are questionable or could be interpreted in more than one way grammatically. Therefore, we must relly on othere verses to help us translate such verses. Trinitarians will usually bring up how God is the only savior and Jesus is seen as a savior therefore Jesus must be God. It seems logical but the problem is that there are indeed more saviors. The word saviors in the bible can be categorized in different levels but the one spoken of by God is that he is the source of all salvation. Others can act in his behalf but God is the ultimate source of salvation. Jesus was a savior like other men were. They were sent by God. This is but one of many examples.

1 point

I say let the students hear both arguments to make an informed decision. There should never be a time when students are only exposed to one set of beliefs concerning a matter if that matter is questionable. Now, intelligent design is not in the same category as evolution. Someone who believes in intelligent design may believe in evolution. The problem is not a "God of the gaps" as many atheists make it seem concerning intelligent design, rather, the problem is defining what it really is. Intelligent design means that it is more probable for the cause of life to have been by an intelliget designer. It is not used when people can't explain how something works. Evolution, on the other hand, tends to be a atheistic belief. Meaning, evolution, according to atheists, can explain the world around us without the intervention of a designer. In other words, it's left up to chance. That's basically where the question should be: should chance and intelligent design be taught side-by-side in the classrom?

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