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RSS LibertarianC

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

A Libertarian is someone who believes the only legitimate use of force is for the defense of life, liberty and property. If the politicians we elect are supposed to represent us, how can they decide that force may be used for any other purpose? But they do! Every law they pass involves a penalty which the government may forcibly impose on you.

If you want to know if you (or anyone you know reasonably well) is a libertarian, take the World's Smallest Political Quiz at Advocates for Self-Government.

Supporting Evidence: World's Smallest Political Quiz (
2 points

I believe "socialism" is best described by the phrase, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." (Ayn Rand)

Given that most humans look out for number 1 first, and then their family and friends, how will they be motivated in a socialist system? People will focus on their needs and hide their abilities. If what I receive for my 'needs' has no connection to what I produce, why should I produce? Why would I work hard (or at all) if all my needs are taken care of anyway? It might work in a commune where everyone knows everyone and shirkers risk being ostracized. But in a society where socialism means welfare, and if the only motivation to produce what others need is threat of prison, people will do the minimum required by authorities.

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