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RSS LoganDazzo

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
3 points

Yes, and the federal government has been doing for centuries. Back in the 1780's men aged 16-60 were required to own and know how to operate a musket. At one point in Boston, MA, it was illegal to keep a loaded gun in one's home. Pennsylvania was recalled guns to be cleaned. There has been multiple interpretations of the 2ND Amendment, but through all of that the federal government still has power to regulate the guns. Through the Commerce Clause, the federal government has power to regulate commercial activity between the states and commerce with foreign countries. In conclusion, the federal government has power to regulate guns and have had the power for years.

1 point

Abortion should be illegal. There are women every year who try their best to get pregnant and are unsuccessful. It is not fair to them for women to abort babies when they try so hard for one. If a woman were to get pregnant and didn't want it, she could give it up to adoption, so at least the baby has a chance in the world. There are plenty of men who would love to be fathers, but can be over ruled and lose their child. In conclusion, abortion should be illegal because women can waste a grand opportunity as a mother.

1 point

Although, Taco Bell has good drinks, I would have to go with McDonald's. McDonald's has amazing french fries and chicken nuggets. Swimming in Taco Bell would ruin the restaurant for me.

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