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RSS Michiel

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

So you're saying the less intelligent the workers are , the less the effectivity of spiritual leadership ?? Don't agree on this one. Many workers do not lack intelligence , they just act in lower organizational roles. Thats often the real difference. I mean that these guys have IQ enough to receive the positive influence of SL

1 point

Do not fully agree , i cannot believe the goal is employee well being. Despite the fact that this is important the goal in most cases will be: good organizational performance, profit, continuity and so on. I agree that this can be reached by employees feeling comfortable and well in their organization. Its just the other way around compared to yout statement

1 point

Depends i think. You have to ensure that this kind of leadership is executed within the small organisational units. On management level this can be the goal but ensuring that this way of operating is executed on the lower departemental levels is not that simple, Think also about conformity between the different and smaller oraganizational units

1 point

It really is this simple, the better the wellbeing of employees, the better their work and productivity. Corporative leadership/spiritual leadership is focused on the performance of employees, but it is not the final goal. The biggest goal is the well-being of employees through which good performance comes naturally. (Paul de Blot, 2007) These trends lead to the following question:

Don't agree on the above text. The goal will always be a good performance which can be achieved by positively influencing the employees. It sounds too naive to target the employee well being as the goal.

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